Datasets and Related Documentation for Birth Data
Revised Intercensal Population Estimates Released
To permit the calculation of race-specific vital rates for 2000 and beyond and for revised vital rates for 1991-1999 (using intercensal population estimates), the National Center for Health Statistics, in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute and the Census Bureau, is releasing bridged-race estimates of the U.S. resident population. NCHS has also released U.S. Intercensal Population Estimates by Specified Hispanic Origin Groups for the time period July 1, 1991 – July 1, 1999 for calculating vital rates.
2003 Revisions of the U.S. Vital Certificates
2003 Revisions of the U.S. Standard Certificates of Live Birth and Death and the Fetal Death Report
Instruction Manuals
- Vital Statistics Coding and Instruction Manuals
- 2006 NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties
To permit calculation of vital rates by urbanization level.
Data Processing