2015-2017 NSFG Codebooks
The 2015-2017 NSFG codebook documentation for all three public-use data files (female respondent file, female pregnancy file, male file) is provided below. See the 2015-2017 NSFG User’s Guide for more information on using these codebooks.
Female Pregnancy File Codebook
Female Respondent File Codebook
- Respondent ID and Selected Screener Items-508-[PDF – 350 KB]
- SECTION A: Calendar Instructions; Demographic Characteristics; Household Roster; Childhood Background-508-[PDF – 721 KB]
- SECTION B: Pregnancy & Birth History; Adoption & Nonbiological Children-508-[PDF – 2 MB]
- SECTION C: Marital and Relationship History-508-[PDF – 3 MB]
- SECTION D: Sterilizing Operations and Impaired Fecundity-508-[PDF – 1 MB]
- SECTION E: Contraceptive History and Pregnancy -508-[PDF – 6 MB]
- SECTION F: Family Planning and Medical Services-508-[PDF – 1 MB]
- SECTION G: Desires and Intentions for Future Births-508-[PDF – 441 KB]
- SECTION H: Infertility Services and Reproductive Health-508-[PDF – 1 MB]
- SECTION I: Insurance; Residence and place of birth; Religion; Past and current work (R and current H/P); Attitudes-508-[PDF – 751 KB]
- SECTION J: Audio CASI-508-[PDF – 1 MB]
- SECTION R: Recode Variables and Imputation Flags-508-[PDF – 5 MB]
- SECTION W: Weights and Other Variables-508-[PDF – 379 KB]
Male Respondent File Codebook
- Respondent ID and Selected Screener Items-508 [PDF – 349 KB]
- SECTION A: Demographic Characteristics; Household Roster; Childhood Background; Marital/Cohabiting Status-508 [PDF – 802 KB]
- SECTION B: Ever Sex, Sex Communication and Education, Vasectomy and Physical Ability to Father Children, Number of Sexual Partners, Enumeration and Relationship With Up To 3 Recent (Or Last) Sexual Partner(s)-508 [PDF – 996 KB]
- SECTION C: Current Wife or Cohabiting Partner-508 [PDF – 2 MB]
- SECTION D: Recent (Or Last) Sexual Partner(s) and First Sexual Partner-508 [PDF – 4 MB]
- SECTION E: Former Wives and First Cohabiting Partner-508 [PDF – 4 MB]
- SECTION F: Other Biological Children, Other Adopted Children, Other Pregnancies-508 [PDF – 3 MB]
- SECTION G: Fathering-508 [PDF – 948 KB]
- SECTION H: Desires and Intentions for Future Biological Children-508 [PDF – 418 KB]
- SECTION I: Health Conditions and Health Services-508 [PDF – 1 MB]
- SECTION J: Residence and place of birth; Religion; Military service; Past and current work (R and current wife/partner); Attitudes-508 [PDF – 667 KB]
- SECTION K: Audio CASI-508 [PDF – 2 MB]
- SECTION R: Recode Variables and Imputation Flags-508 [PDF – 2 MB]
- SECTION W: Weights and Other Variables-508 [PDF – 370 KB]