What to know
- Thank you for participating in the 2024 National Post-acute and Long-term Care Study Adult Day Services Center Survey!
- We look forward to your participation in the next round of the survey if your adult day services center is invited to join.

Your participation in the Adult Day Services Center (ADSC) Survey helps us provide you with reliable, trusted information, and support you in the important work you do serving participants and your communities. Policymakers can use these survey data to better understand and inform related policy decisions. Directors of adult day services centers use this information for comparison between centers. Researchers use these materials to examine the effectiveness of various models.
Your adult day services center is important to us!
Data collected from all the approximately 4,500 adult day services centers invited to participate in the 2024 National Post-acute and Long-term Care Study (NPALS) is vital to our success.
The most reliable information comes directly from providers like you. For policymakers to make solid, evidence-based decisions about long-term care in the United States, it is essential that we collect these data.
Participation is the ADSC Survey is voluntary. Your center was scientifically and randomly selected to represent both your adult day services center and others like yours. You cannot be replaced. Without your help, it may not be possible to make accurate estimates about the amount and types of services provided to participants in adult day services centers like yours.
Participant expectations
The ADSC questionnaires should be completed by someone who is knowledgeable about the day-to-day operations and the clients served. Typically, the center director completes the questionnaire. It also can be completed by an administrator, owner, or operator. Alternatively, the director can designate someone qualified to complete the questionnaire on their behalf, like an assistant director.
If your supervisor or corporate owner needs to approve your center's participation, you can share the below website and toll-free number with the person who can give that approval. More information about NPALS and the ADSC Survey are available on the website. NPALS representatives can address specific questions directed to the toll-free number.
WEBSITE: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/npals/index.html
EMAIL: npals2024@cdc.gov
Because the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is a federal government agency, we are not allowed to compensate our respondents However, we release reports with data that you can use to compare your adult day services center with the adult day industry on key characteristics. For free products available for your use, see the data brief in your advance packet or our Study Results and Publications pages.
Get the latest updates
If you have any questions, or need further information, please call the NPALS Help Desk at 1-855-500-1435, Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time or email at npals2024@cdc.gov.
Mailing Address
National Center for Health Statistics
3311 Toledo Road
Hyattsville, Maryland 20782