
Questionnaires were administered to NNYFS participants both at home and in the mobile examination center (MEC). The questionnaires can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat reader
Screener Module
Screener Module [PDF – 133 KB] – This is administered on the doorstep. This set of questions determines if anyone in the household is eligible to be in the sample.
Family Questionnaire
Sample Person Questionnaire
- Acculturation [PDF – 28 KB]
- Demographics [PDF – 36 KB]
- Diabetes [PDF – 17 KB]
- Diet Behavior and Nutrition [PDF – 23 KB]
- Dietary Supplements and Prescription Medication [PDF – 104 KB]
- Early Childhood [PDF – 15 KB]
- Health Insurance [PDF – 14 KB]
- Hospital Utilization and Access to Care [PDF – 14 KB]
- Medical Conditions [PDF – 18 KB]
- Physical Activity [PDF – 76 KB]
- Physical Functioning [PDF – 15 KB]
- Respiratory Health and Disease [PDF – 11 KB]
MEC CASI and CAPI Questionnaires
Computer assisted personal self interview (CASI) and computer assisted personal interview (CAPI) questionnaires are administered in the MEC. During the visit to the examination center additional questions are administered that cover more sensitive areas such as reproductive health and illegal drug use. The sections are labeled to reflect content.