Key points
- The Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design and Evaluation Research (CCQDER) has developed software products to help analyze cognitive interviewing data.
- These products improve transparency, accountability, productivity, and work quality.
- Find information about accessing these easy-to-use products on this page.

Data and software products
The Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design and Evaluation Research (CCQDER) has developed three products to support analysis and use of cognitive interviewing data—
- Q-Bank
- Q-Notes
- Q-Video
These products allow CCQDER to conduct more high-quality evaluations, while continuing to assess and improve our processes. Q-Bank and Q-Notes also are available for use by outside researchers.
Q-Bank is a database of federal survey questions that have been evaluated.
The database links each question to its evaluation report. Q-Bank can help survey data users understand and interpret the questions that produced the survey data they are using. Q-Bank also helps users understand the errors that might be associated with those questions.
Q-Bank is available to the public to search for questions and view reports. External agencies can submit their own question research into Q-Bank.
Learn more
Q-Notes is a software program that supports structured collection and analysis of cognitive interview data.
This online system allows CCQDER staff to collaborate on testing projects with external agencies. Only CCQDER staff and each project's individual collaborators can access data from that project in Q-Notes.
Outside researchers can create an account to use Q-Notes when conducting their own studies. When creating a project in Q-Notes, researchers can determine which users can access their project data and what those users can do on the project.
Get Q-Notes
Q-Video is an application that captures, stores, and indexes video and audio from cognitive interviews. Only onsite CCQDER staff can use the Q-Video system.
The application captures video and audio at the questionnaire level. It then stores those files in a database. CCQDER researchers can search the data for individual questions and use it to analyze data.
Q-Video connects with an internal version of Q-Notes. Videos are embedded within the internal version of Q-Notes as CCQDER staff summarize notes, conduct analysis, and write reports.