2015 Demographics: Newborn Hearing Screening
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December 2017
Source: 2015 CDC Hearing Screening and Follow-up Survey (HSFS)*
*Each jurisdiction’s submitted data underwent a cleaning and error check process. Jurisdictions reporting ≥20% of total screened infants in the “unknown” category, for each demographic variable, were excluded from this analysis.
ǂPercentage of infants screened for each category is calculated among the total occurrent births (i.e. % Males Screened = (( # Total Pass Screening:Male + Total Not Pass Screening:Male) / # Total Occurrent Births:Male ) * 100 ). Test for significant difference between percentages was calculated using Pearson’s chi-square test where α = 0.05 (Software: SAS 9.4, Cary, NC).

Data reported by 49 out of 56 jurisdictions that responded to the HSFS in 2015: includes AL, AK, American Samoa, AZ, AR, CA, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, CT, DE, District of Columbia, Guam, HI, ID, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, Marshall Islands, MD, MA, MI, Micronesia, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, Palau, Puerto Rico, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI, WY.

Data reported by 38 out of 56 jurisdictions that responded to the HSFS in 2015: includes AL, AK, American Samoa, AZ, AR, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, CT, DE, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, Marshall Islands, MA, MI, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, OK, OR, Palau, Puerto Rico, RI, SD, TN, UT, VT, VA, WI, WY.

Data reported by 29 out of 56 jurisdictions that responded to the HSFS in 2015: includes AL, American Samoa, AZ, AR, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, CT, GA, IA, KS, LA, MA, MI, MO, MT, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OH, OR, Palau, RI, SD, TN, VT, VA, WI, WY.

Data reported by 37 out of 56 jurisdictions that responded to the HSFS in 2015: includes AL, American Samoa, AZ, AR, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, CT, DE, Guam, HI, IA, KS, LA, Marshall Islands, MA, MI, Micronesia, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, OR, Palau, Puerto Rico, RI, SC, SD, TN, VT, VA, WI, WY.

Data reported by 38 out of 56 jurisdictions that responded to the HSFS in 2015: includes AL, AZ, AR, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, CT, DE, FL, Guam, HI, IA, KS, LA, ME, Marshall Islands, MA, MI, Micronesia, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, OR, Palau, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VT, VA, WI, WY.
Pages in this Report
- 2015 National CDC EHDI Summary
- 2015 Summary of Hearing Screening Among Total Occurent Births
- 2015 Summary of Detailed Hearing Screening Results
- 2015 Summary of Infants Screened Before 1 Month of Age
- 2015 Summary of Reasons for No Documented Hearing Screening Among Total Occurrent Births
- 2015 Summary of Diagnostics Among Infants Not Passing Hearing Screening
- 2015 Summary of Infants Not Passing Hearing Screening Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age
- 2015 Summary of Reasons for No Documented Diagnosis Among Infants Not Passing Hearing Screening
- 2015 Summary of Early Intervention (EI) Among Infants Identified with Permanent Hearing Loss
- 2015 Summary of Infants Identified with Permanent Hearing Loss Enrolled in Early Intervention (EI) Before 6 Months of Age
- 2015 Summary of Reasons for No Documented Early Intervention (EI) Services Among Infants Identified with Permanent Hearing Loss
- 2015 Type and Severity Summary of Identified Cases of Hearing Loss (By Ear)
- ›2015 Demographics: Newborn Hearing Screening
- 2015 Demographics: Diagnostic Testing
- 2015 Demographics: Enrollment in Early Intervention (EI)