Get Free “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Materials

CDC’s Milestone Tracker App
- Learn more about the Milestone Tracker app – now available in English and Spanish
- Promote the Milestone Tracker app with a promotional toolkit English [3 MB, 17 Pages, 508], and Spanish [3 MB, 17 Pages, 508]
- Download the Milestone Tracker app from the App Store
- Download the Milestone Tracker app from Google Play

Checklists with Tips in All Available Languages
- English [4 MB, 24 Pages, 508]
- Spanish [5.7 MB, 24 Pages, 508]
- Arabic [6 MB, 20 Pages, 508]
- Brazilian Portuguese [10 MB, 20 Pages, 508]
- Farsi [848 KB, 24 Pages, 508]
- French [6 MB, 24 Pages, 508]
- Haitian Creole [12 MB, 24 Pages, 508]
- Hindi [1.9 MB KB, 24 Pages, 508]
- Korean [7 MB, 24 Pages, Print Only]
- Simplified Chinese [7 MB, 24 Pages, Print Only]
- Somali [1.65 MB, 24 pages, 508]
- Vietnamese [4 MB, 24 Pages, Print Only]

Baby’s Busy Day: Being One is So Much Fun! – Order Online

Where is Bear? A Terrific Tale for 2-Year-Olds – Order Online

How to Get Help for Your Child
How to Help Your Child Tip Sheet
- Korean [157 KB, 2 Pages, 508]
- Vietnamese [227 KB, 2 Pages, 508]
- Haitian Creole [223 KB, 2 Pages, Print Only]
To see this information in English [597 KB, 1 Page, 508] or Spanish [650 KB, 1 Page, 508], read the tipsheet, How to get Help for Your Child.

How to Talk with the Doctor Tip Sheet
- Korean [126 KB, 2 Pages, 508]
- Vietnamese [213 KB, 2 Pages, 508]
- Haitian Creole [333 KB, 2 Pages, Print Only]
To see this information in English [597 KB, 1 Page, 508] or Spanish [650 KB, 1 Page, 508], read the tipsheet, How to get Help for Your Child.

“Concerned About Your Child’s Development?” in ASL
- Click here for a video in American Sign Language (ASL) on what to do if you have concerns about your child’s development.

Milestone Brochure: Track Your Child’s Developmental Milestones

Flyers – Order Online
- Milestone Tracker app Flyer English and Spanish [927 KB, 2 Pages, Print Only]
- First Tooth Flyer – English and Spanish [663 KB, 2 Pages, Print Only]
- Almost Walking Flyer – English [80 KB, 1 Page, Print Only] Spanish [637 KB, 1 Page, Print Only]
- Watch Me – English [9 MB, 1 Page, Print Only] Spanish [529 KB, 1 Page, 508]

- Milestone Tracker app poster English [617 KB, 1 Page, 508] Spanish [711 KB, 1 Page, 508]
- Milestone Tracker Poster for Healthcare Providers English and Spanish [1.52 MB, 2 Pages, Print Only]
- Milestones Matter English [4 MB, 1 Page, Print Only] Spanish [4 MB, 1 Page, Print Only]
- Milestones Matter with CDC and Vroom! English [1 MB, 1 Page, 508] Spanish [1 MB, 1 Page, 508]

Environmental Graphics
- Wall Blocks: English [9 MB, 10 Pages, Print Only], Spanish [8 MB, 10 Pages, Print Only]
- Floor Blocks: English [4.16 MB, 3 Pages, Print Only], Spanish [3.8 MB, 5 Pages, Print Only]
- Directional Blocks: English [272 KB, 5 Pages, Print Only], Spanish [262 KB, 5 Pages, Print Only]
- Printing Specifications

Web Buttons
- Post a web button to link Learn the Signs. Act Early. to your website, blog, or social networking site (e.g. Facebook page).

- These videos from “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” (including one in American Sign Language) can be shared on your website, posted to social media, shown in waiting rooms, or included in presentations.

Developmental Monitoring: Getting the Conversation Started

Tips for Talking with Parents about Child Development

WIC Developmental Milestone Checklist Program Implementation Guide
- Print the Complete Program Implementation Guide [5.52 MB, 42 Pages, 508]
- This online implementation guide provides step-by-step guidance on how to integrate a WIC Milestone Checklist Program in your state’s WIC clinics.
Primers provide tips on ways to integrate “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials across various settings.
- Health Care Providers (Primer English [233 KB, 2 Pages, 508]) (Primer Spanish [242 KB, 2 Pages, 508])
- Early Childhood Educators (Primer English [2 MB, 2 Pages, 508]) (Primer Spanish [1 MB, 2 Pages, 508])
- WIC Program Staff (Primer English [2 MB, 2 Pages, 508]) (Primer Spanish [2 MB, 2 Pages, 508])
- Early Head Start and Head Start Programs (Primer English [732 KB, 2 Pages, 508]) (Primer Spanish [732 KB, 2 Pages, 508])
- Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) (Primer English [2 MB, 2 Pages, 508]) (Primer Spanish [2 MB, 2 Pages, 508])
- Home Visiting Programs (Primer English [1 MB, 2 Pages, 508]) (Primer Spanish [791 KB, 2 Pages, 508])
- Child Find Programs (Primer English [1 MB, 2 Pages, 508]) (Primer Spanish [670 KB, 2 Pages, 508])

AAP’s Family Friendly Referral Guide
- This free, printable handout is available in English [629 KB, 2 Pages. 508] and Spanish [630 KB, 2 Pages, 508] to use with families and/or caregivers to support them in taking the next steps when developmental referrals are needed. Providers can fill in the types of referrals being made and let families know how to communicate any barriers they may be experiencing in the referral process.
Developmental Monitoring and Screening Fact Sheet

Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns
An online training for early care and education providers. FREE Continuing Education is available.
If you are interested in adding your organization’s contact information or logo to “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials, please follow the below steps:
- Email us at to let us know what materials you would like to customize and how you plan to use the materials.
- Access will then be given to our account where you can download and edit the customizable files. (Note: Customization of most of the materials requires the use of the Adobe InDesign program).
- Print your own customized materials and distribute.
Please Note:
- Customized materials may not include the CDC or HHS logos (to make this a little easier, the customizable files that we provide access to already have the CDC/HHS logo removed from them).
- Do not edit the milestones or other content within the materials.
Samples of customized materials:
CDC offers most materials in Spanish, and some materials in other languages, such as Simplified Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. All translated materials that have been certified by CDC are included above on this webpage. Some non-CDC partners have translated materials into other languages including Russian, Turkish, French, Indonesian, Bengali, Urdu, and Portuguese. To access these additional translations, please email
To translate “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials, please email us at with the following information:
- The language you will use.
- The product(s) you will translate.
- How you plan to distribute the materials (e.g., whether you will make the translated materials available online).
Please note:
- Your translated materials must reference the original “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials (e.g. “Content provided (in English) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program; Translation of this content provided by [your organization].”).
- Your translated materials must not include the CDC or HHS logos.
- Please send your final translation (file or link) to before distributing the materials.
Ordering Online
Limited quantities of Learn the Signs. Act Early. materials are available for order and shipment at no cost through our online ordering site. While we no longer process order requests that are higher than the listed limits, we recommend either downloading and printing the materials yourselves or reaching out to your state’s Act Early Ambassador who may have customized materials available for you. If you have additional questions about your order, please email