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Art in Science: Selections from Emerging Infectious Diseases®

Artwork related to science

Clive Hicks-Jenkins (b. 1951)
The Prophet Fed by a Raven, 2007
Acrylic on panel, 62cm s 82cm
Courtesy of the artist, private collection,

May 14 – September 9, 2014

In 2006, the David J. Sencer CDC Museum presented A Journal for Our Times: Emerging Infectious Diseases®. This popular exhibition highlighted the cover art of the journal, beginning with its inception in 1995. The second installment coincides with the Oxford University Press publication of Art in Science: Selections from Emerging Infectious Diseases®.

Drawing from all art history, the covers of Emerging Infectious Diseases® are intended to attract but also to surprise, delight, inspire, and enlighten with the premise that art humanizes and enhances scientific content and educates readers about important unnoticed connections. Through the years, art has breathed life into technical content. Journal covers provide a fast tour of infectious disease emergence through the lives and times of artists and their craft, and through literary and science connections.

Celebrating the accomplishments of this remarkable journal, Art in Science showcases a complete set of covers from 2006 through today, with selected enlargements. Blending science and the arts offers a multidisciplinary approach to disease emergence: poverty and war, increased global travel, ongoing natural disasters, and human-animal interactions.

Art in Science is organized and sponsored by the David J. Sencer CDC Museum. Office of the Associate Director for Communication and the Office of Infectious Diseases, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

Special Curator Tours

Join Louise E. Shaw, Curator, David J. Sencer CDC Museum for a special tour.

Time: 12:30PM

Dates: May 14 & 28; June 18; July 9; August 6 & 20

The event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required; RSVP to .

Driver’s license or passport required for entry. Vehicle inspection required. Space is limited to 20 people per tour.

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