Holiday Hours:
Open 9:00AM to 2:00PM on New Year's Eve
Closed on New Year's Day

Hours, Directions, & Parking

David J. Sencer CDC Museum

The CDC Museum is open weekdays from 9AM to 5PM with hours extended to 7PM on Thursdays. We are closed on weekends and federal holidays. Government–issued photo ID is required for entry for all adults over the age of 18.

Sunday                 Closed
Monday               9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday               9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday        9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thursday             9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Friday                    9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday              Closed

Please have one of the following:
Driver’s license
Passport (required for non-US citizens)
State-issued photo identification card


Parking is free at the CDC Museum. Please follow “Visitor” signs directing all vehicle and pedestrian traffic to veer right upon entering CDC Parkway (our driveway).

Prohibited Items
Weapons (including but not limited to firearms, pepper spray, and knives) are prohibited on CDC’s campus. Visitors with weapons in their cars will be required to park off campus.

Small Vehicles
Small vehicles will be inspected at the guard station then directed to the visitors’ parking deck. Parking deck clearance is 8 feet, 5 inches. Once parked, make your way back to Level 5. The museum entry is adjacent to the parking deck entry.

Buses will be directed to wait in the far-right entry lane and not to proceed through security gates. Group members will exit the bus and walk through the security gates to the museum entry.


The David J. Sencer CDC Museum is located at:
1600 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta GA 30329

Please type “David J. Sencer CDC Museum” in GPS apps to ensure your arrival at the correct security gate.

I-85 Southbound

Exit at North Druid Hills Road (Exit 89).
Turn left onto North Druid Hills Road.
Turn right onto Briarcliff Road.
Turn left onto Clifton Road, NE.
The Museum is approximately 1 mile on the right at 1600 Clifton Road, NE.
Turn right onto CDC Parkway.

I-85 Northbound

Exit at North Druid Hills Road (south) (Exit 89).
Turn right onto North Druid Hills Road.
Turn right onto Briarcliff Road.
Turn left onto Clifton Road, NE.
The Museum is approximately 1 mile on the right at 1600 Clifton Road, NE.
Turn right onto CDC Parkway.

I-75 North & Southbound

Travel to I-85 Northbound then follow the directions above.

I-20 Eastbound

Exit at Moreland Avenue (Exit 60).
Turn left onto Moreland Avenue. Moreland becomes Briarcliff Road.
Continue on Briarcliff for approximately 3 miles.
Turn right onto Clifton Road, NE.
The Museum is approximately 1 mile on the right at 1600 Clifton Road, NE.
Turn right onto CDC Parkway.

I-20 Westbound

Exit at Moreland Avenue (Exit 60).
Turn right onto Moreland Avenue. Moreland becomes Briarcliff Road.
Continue on Briarcliff for approximately 3 miles.
Turn right onto Clifton Road, NE.
The Museum is approximately 1 mile on the right at 1600 Clifton Road, NE.
Turn right onto CDC Parkway.

Bus / Train

For the most up-to-date transit stop and schedule information, please visit the MARTA website. Upon arrival to CDC, follow signs for visitors to enter the museum.