Holiday Hours:
Open 9:00AM to 2:00PM on New Year's Eve
Closed on New Year's Day

What’s Cooking, Uncle Sam? The Government’s Effect on The American Diet

Exhibit open now through January 2, 2015

September 27, 2014 – January 2, 2015

Food. We love it, fear it, and obsess about it.

We demand that our Government ensure that it is safe, cheap, and abundant. In response,

Government has been a factor in the production, regulation, research, innovation, and economics of our food supply. It has also attempted, with varying success, to change the eating habits of Americans. From the farm to the dinner table, explore the records of the National Archives that trace the Government’s effect on what Americans eat.

Follow the story of the Government’s role in our complex relationship with food from farm to factory and kitchen to table.

This exhibition was created by the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC, with support from the Foundation for the National Archives. The national tour of What’s Cooking, Uncle Sam? is made possible by Mars, Incorporated. In Atlanta, the exhibition is sponsored by the Office of the Associate Director for Communication at CDC.


Special Curator Tours

Join Louise E. Shaw, Curator, David J. Sencer CDC Museum for a special tour.

Time: 12:30PM

Dates: Oct. 8th and 22nd, Nov. 5th and 19th, Dec. 10th and 16th

The event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required; RSVP to

Driver’s license or passport required for entry. Vehicle inspection required. Space is limited to 20 people per tour.