At a glance
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) among Mexican American people has nearly doubled, reaching rates like those in other racial/ethnic groups.

Gaps in CKD persist across racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups
CKD among Mexican American people nearly doubled between 2003–2004 and 2015–2016 to rates like those in other racial/ethnic groups, according to a CDC study released on July 16, 2020, by JAMA Network Open. Researchers also reported CKD was higher in groups with lower educational level and income. Furthermore, the gaps in CKD across racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups have largely persisted for nearly 30 years.
Data for this report were analyzed from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). This program of studies combines interviews and physical exams to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States. From 1988–1994 to 2015–2016, nearly 55,000 NHANES participants aged 20 years or older were examined.
Overall, the adjusted percentage with stage 3 or 4 CKD (that is, moderately to severely reduced kidney function) increased from 3.9% in 1988–1994 to 5.2% in 2003–2004 and then leveled off to 5.1% in 2015–2016. However, trend patterns were significantly different by race/ethnicity group. During the period, CKD:
- Increased for non-Hispanic White and non-Hispanic Black people and then leveled off.
- Remained stable for Mexican American people and then increased.
- Remained higher in people with lower educational level and income.
Diabetes and high blood pressure are the major causes of CKD in adults. However, preventing CKD and its complications is possible by managing blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Learn more about how to prevent or manage CKD. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, ask a doctor about getting tested for kidney disease.
More information
- National Trends in the Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease Among Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Status Groups, 1988-2016
- John Hopkins News Release: Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease Among Mexican Americans Has Doubled in Recent Years
- Preventing Chronic Kidney Disease
- Get Tested for Chronic Kidney Disease
- Chronic Kidney Disease in the United States
- Chronic Kidney Disease Surveillance System
- Chronic Kidney Disease Initiative