At a glance
Many parents have questions about their children’s vaccines, and answering their questions can help parents feel confident in choosing to vaccinate their child according to the recommended immunization schedule.

Talking about vaccines
Materials to assist you in starting conversations with parents include:
Learn conversational techniques and find resources for discussing vaccines with parents.
Many parents have similar questions about vaccines. Prepare for common parent questions and learn techniques for your conversations about immunization.
Watch this video that explains five research-based strategies to improve vaccine conversations with parents.
Sharing information with parents
Many parents appreciate any information you can provide them about vaccinations, whether in print form or websites they can visit. Information to share with parents includes:
This information outlines possible risks for parents who choose to delay or decline a vaccine; it also offers steps for parents to take to protect their child, family, and others.
On-time vaccination during childhood is essential because it helps provide immunity before children are exposed to potentially serious diseases.
Parent-friendly schedule (birth–6 yrs), Parent-friendly schedule (7–18 yrs).
Additional resources for healthcare providers
- Suggestions to Improve Your Immunization Services
- CDC's Immunizations and Vaccinations
- Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States
- CDC's Vaccine Schedules App
- Online Immunization Training for Health Care Providers
- Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)
- Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program
- Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit
- Textbook: Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (the "Pink Book")
- Quality Improvement Programs Targeting Immunization
- Reminder Systems and Strategies for Increasing Childhood Vaccination Rates
- Guide to Community Preventive Services: Vaccination
- Healthy People 2030
- Immunization Information Systems (IISs)
- HPV Resources for Clinicians
Printable resources
- Fact Sheets: Tips for Talking to Parents About:
- Fact Sheet: Understanding Vaccines and Vaccine Safety
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Toolkit for Clinicians
- Preteens and Teens Still Need Vaccines
- Print Materials for Preteens and Teens