At a glance
Access resources and services for people experiencing homelessness.
For people experiencing homelessness, there are resources to help you find housing services in your community:
- Contact your local Continuum of Care (CoC) program for homeless assistance. Visit the HUD Exchange website for a contact list: Need Homeless Assistance?
- For a map of HUD Resources, visit: HUD Resource Locator
- The Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program is the only Federal program dedicated to the housing needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. Under the HOPWA Program, HUD makes grants to local communities, States, and nonprofit organizations for projects that benefit low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. For more information, visit the HOWPA website: HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HUD Exchange)
Housing and homelessness resources
- HUD Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAPS, the office that covers homelessness) resources: e-snaps : CoC Program Applications and Grants Management System (HUD Exchange)
- For resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners, visit HUD Exchange: Official Website for HUD Exchange
- HUD Annual Homeless Assessment Reports to Congress: AHAR Reports (HUD Exchange)
- Housing and Services Resource Center: HSRC (Administration for Community Living)
- Homeless & Housing Resource Center: HHRC (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
- National Health Care for the Homeless Council resources: Understanding Homelessness (National Health Care for the Homeless Council)
- National Alliance to End Homelessness resources: Homelessness in America (National Alliance to End Homelessness)
- National Homelessness Law Center resources: Publications (National Homelessness Law Center)
- Homeless Veterans, visit the Veterans Affairs (VA) website for resources: Homeless Veterans Resources – VA Homeless Programs
- U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration: Official Website of the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration
- United States Interagency Council on Homelessness: United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH)
- List of State Interagency Councils on Homelessness: State Interagency Councils (USICH)
Public health resources
- Webpage: Achieving Health Equity Around Overdoses
- Webpage: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Webpage: Homelessness as a Public Health Law Issue
- Webpage: Public Health Considerations for Shigellosis Among People Experiencing Homelessness
- Webpage: TB Risk and People Experiencing Homelessness
- Toolkit: Big Cities Health Coalition: A Messaging Playbook for Public Health Approaches to Drug Use, Homelessness, and Community Safety
- Toolkit: University of California Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative: A Toolkit for Creating Authentic, Effective Partnerships between Organizations & People with Lived Experiences
- Toolkit: Centers of Excellence in Public Health and Homelessness Toolkit for State and Local Health Departments
- Toolkit: Disaster Planning for Organizations Serving People Experiencing Homelessness
- Toolkit: Infectious Disease Toolkit for Homeless Service Providers
- Toolkit: One Health Clinic Toolkit (One Health Clinic, Seattle)
- Toolkit: Utah Department of Health and Human Services: Guidelines for the Collection of Data on Housing Insecurity and Homelessness
- Training: Training on Homelessness for Public Health Providers
- Training: Engaging with Sensitivity: Techniques for Interviewing Persons Experiencing Homelessness, Disability, and Substance Use Disorders
- Report: Public Health and Homelessness in the United States: Findings from a Nationwide Landscape Assessment, 2023
- Other: Dear Colleague: HIV Outbreaks Among People Experiencing Homelessness and Housing Instability, a letter from the director of CDC's National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, deputy assistant secretary of HUD's Office of Special Needs, and associate administrator of HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau.