What to know
Capacity building assistance (CBA) is a process for equipping the nation's HIV prevention workforce—including staff at state and local health departments, community-based organizations (CBOs), and healthcare organizations—through training, technical assistance, and other resources to reduce HIV infection and improve health outcomes for people with HIV in the United States. By building individual competencies and technical expertise, strengthening organizational capacities, and enabling supportive structural environments, the provision of CBA is critical to the foundation and performance of the HIV prevention workforce for Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.

Capacity Building Assistance Provider Network (CPN)
CDC supports a CBA Provider Network (CPN) to deliver 1) national training; 2) technical assistance; 3) continuous quality improvement, organizational development, sustainability for CBOs; and 4) marketing and administrative support for the CPN. These free (not for fee) CBA services and resources are available for CDC-funded health departments, CBOs, and local partner agencies seeking to optimally plan, integrate, implement, and sustain comprehensive HIV prevention program and services.
Training Resources
Training resources are available to improve the knowledge, skills, and competencies of an interdisciplinary HIV prevention workforce (e.g., professional, technical, clinical, and managerial) seeking to plan, integrate, implement, and sustain HIV prevention programs and services.
National HIV Classroom Learning Center: The CDC-funded National HIV Classroom Learning Center (NHCLC) conducts a state-of-the-art training program for the HIV prevention workforce in communities that have been hit hardest by HIV. Trainings address implementation of CDC-supported high impact prevention (HIP) interventions and public health strategies as well as supplemental topics such as social determinants of health. The NHCLC training calendar allows you to view the current schedule and register for free virtual, instructor-led and classroom trainings.
Using the CBA Tracking System (CTS), CDC directly funded health departments, community-based organizations (CBOs), and/or clinics may request NHCLC trainings for their local jurisdictions. Organizations not directly funded by CDC should contact their state health department for assistance in submitting a request for training through CTS.
National HIV E-learning: The CDC-funded National HIV Learning Group offers a state-of-the-art online learning program for the HIV prevention workforce in communities that have been hit hardest by HIV. E-learning courses address implementation of CDC-supported high impact prevention (HIP) interventions and public health strategies as well as supplemental topics such as social determinants of health.
Using CDC TRAIN, CDC directly funded health departments, community-based organizations (CBOs), and clinics may view and register for free, self-paced e-learning courses. Organizations not directly funded by CDC may also access these e-learning courses through CDC TRAIN.
CDC TRAIN: CDC's Online Learning System: CDC TRAIN is an online learning management system providing access to training opportunities, many of which include continuing education credit. When you sign up for a free account, you can search for high-impact HIV prevention (HIP) training courses to meet your professional development needs and complete the continually accessible electronic learning modules under your own direction and pace.
Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) Tracking System: CDC directly funded health departments, CBOs, and/or clinics may request NHCLC HIP trainings for their local jurisdictions by using the CBA Tracking System (CTS). Organizations not directly funded by CDC should contact their state health department for assistance in submitting a request for training through CTS.
National Learning Community for HIV CBO Leadership: The goal of the CDC-funded National Learning Community for HIV Community-Based Organization (CBO) Leadership is to engage HIV CBO managers in a tailored, online learning experience that will empower them to successfully manage the people, programs, and organizations that will end the HIV epidemic. The National Learning Community offers HIV CBO mid- to senior-level managers a catalog of short, self-paced courses designed by and for CBO managers, a virtual, cohort-based Creative Problem-Solving Intensive, and access to an exclusive online community of peers, coaches, and mentors in the HIV prevention workforce.
National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers: CDC's National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) improves the capacity of providers, clinical sites, and healthcare systems to employ state-of-the-art knowledge and resources to diagnose, manage, treat, and counsel individuals with/with risk factors for STDs in order to reduce morbidity and improve sexual health on individual, local, and national levels. The NNPTCs develop, disseminate, and evaluate training and training assistance to improve STD care at the clinical provider, healthcare organization, and system levels.
AIDS Education & Training Center Program: The AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program is the training arm of HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. The AETC Program is a national network of leading HIV experts who provide locally based, tailored education, clinical consultation, and technical assistance to healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations to integrate high-quality, comprehensive care for those living with or affected by HIV.
Technical Assistance Resources
Technical assistance (TA) resources are available to help the HIV prevention workforce to address challenges in planning, integrating, implementing, and sustaining HIV prevention programs and services within their local communities.
Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) Provider Network Technical Assistance (TA): A network of TA providers offers support to CDC-funded health departments, community-based organizations (CBOs), and partner organizations. Informed by these long-term working relationships, TA is tailored to meet the specific capacity building needs and preferences of organizations. Personalized TA can include mentoring, consultation, practical demonstration, skills building, information sharing, resource development and sharing, and opportunities for reciprocal learning among peers (e.g., learning collaboratives, and communities of practice).
Capacity Building Assistance Tracking System: Using the CBA Tracking System (CTS), CDC directly funded health departments, CBOs, and/or clinics may request technical assistance on planning, integrating, implementing, and sustaining HIV prevention programs and services. Organizations not directly funded by CDC should contact their state health department for assistance in submitting a request for TA through CTS.
AIDS Education & Training Center Program: The AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program is the training arm of HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. The AETC Program is a national network of leading HIV experts who provide locally based, tailored education, clinical consultation, and technical assistance to healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations to integrate high-quality, comprehensive care for those living with or affected by HIV.