Reduce estimated new hepatitis B virus infections by 20% or more

Met or exceeded current annual target

Moving toward annual target, but annual target was not fully met

Annual target was not met and has not changed or moved away from annual target
Source: CDC, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.1
* The number of estimated viral hepatitis infections was determined by multiplying the number of reported cases by a factor that adjusted for underascertainment and underreporting.1,2
Summary of Findings
The estimated number of new hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections was relatively stable at around 20,000 cases annually from 2015–2019 but decreased substantially in 2020. In 2021, there were 13,300 estimated new infections, well below the 2021 target of 19,400 estimated infections. The decline may be attributable to major disruptions in access to medical care, testing, and routine viral hepatitis public health activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic; therefore, 2020 and 2021 data should be interpreted with caution.
Reduction needed to meet 2025 goal:
The estimated number of new HBV infections in 2021 is 26% below the 2025 goal of 18,000 estimated infections.
Further reduction can best be achieved by:
- Continuing promotion of routine childhood, adolescent, and adult immunization schedules and raising awareness of the updated adult hepatitis B immunization recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
- Continuing to support medical education and developing partnerships to reach key audiences.
- Building capacity within jurisdictions to make it easier for them to collect and use a core set of surveillance data to locate higher–risk populations and gaps in vaccination coverage.
- Exploring prevention focused on reaching communities to demonstrate how best to provide a comprehensive set of interventions for hepatitis B vaccination, testing, and treatment and to increase awareness of hepatitis B.
Technical Notes
Data Sources:
CDC, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS)
Number of estimated new (acute) HBV infections
Not applicable
Indicator Notes:
NNDSS is a nationwide collaboration that enables all levels of public health to share notifiable disease-related health information.1 Surveillance for viral hepatitis through NNDSS is based on case definitions developed and approved by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) and CDC. Reported cases of acute viral hepatitis B are required to meet specific clinical and laboratory criteria. Estimated infections are based on laboratory-confirmed cases of acute viral hepatitis; these estimates are presented in the 2021 Annual Surveillance Report1 along with their 95% Confidence Intervals to show the range of estimated infections accounting for error. Acute hepatitis B is reportable in all jurisdictions. Healthcare providers, hospitals, and/or laboratories report cases to the local or state health department, and states voluntarily submit reports or notify CDC of newly diagnosed cases of hepatitis B that meet the CSTE/CDC surveillance case definition. To account for underascertainment and underreporting, the number of reported cases is multiplied by 6.5. The methods for developing the multiplication factor are documented in Klevens et al. and used by CDC to estimate the number of annual infections.1,2
Goal Setting:
The 2025 goal of 18,000 estimated cases is consistent with CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis 2025 Strategic Plan and the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan. Annual targets assume a constant (linear) rate of change from the observed baseline (2017 data year) to the 2025 goal (2023 data year).
The number of estimated infections is based on a simple, probabilistic model for estimating the proportion of patients who were symptomatic, received testing, and were reported to health officials in each year.2 This constant multiplier may not account for variations over time in underreporting and underascertainment due to changes in public and provider awareness, laboratory and diagnostic techniques, and the definition of the condition.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Viral Hepatitis Surveillance – United States, 2021. Published August 2023. Accessed [date].
- Klevens RM, Liu S, Roberts H, Jiles RB, Holmberg SD. Estimating acute viral hepatitis infections from nationally reported cases. Am J Public Health 2014;104(3):482–7.