At a glance
Allyson Felix faced a potentially life-threatening pregnancy-related complication. Her doctor's actions may have saved her life. Today, she seeks to educate other pregnant and postpartum women about the urgent warning signs of pregnancy-related complications.

Hear Allyson’s Story
Allyson is an elite track and field athlete and Olympian who was diagnosed at 32-weeks pregnant with severe preeclampsia—a potentially life-threatening pregnancy-related complication.
Given her exceptional level of fitness and extensive training, she was surprised to learn during a prenatal visit that she had elevated levels of protein in her urine and had developed high blood pressure. Her doctor admitted her into the hospital for further monitoring and testing. She was then sent for an emergency C-section. Her doctor’s fast actions may have saved her life.
Allyson's story is not unique. Every year, many people experience severe, unexpected health problems related to pregnancy. Some may have long-term health consequences, and others may not survive. Too many deaths occur each year in the United States from problems related to pregnancy or delivery. Every death is a tragedy, especially when we know that 80% of pregnancy-related deaths could have been prevented.
Allyson felt prepared—she is a professional athlete, had a birth plan, went to prenatal appointments, attended birthing classes, and trained throughout her pregnancy. She never imagined that she would experience a serious problem during her pregnancy. Yet with two months to go until her due date, she was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia and had to be admitted immediately to the hospital, resulting in an emergency C-section.
Her daughter, Camryn, was born at 3 pounds, 7 ounces and had to spend her first month of life in the neonatal intensive care unit. Thankfully, Camryn is now a healthy, growing child, and Allyson is a healthy, proud mom and a champion for maternal health. She is also focused on raising awareness of the higher burden of poor pregnancy outcomes among Black women, in hopes of helping generate change.
Learn More
Allyson joined CDC's Hear Her campaign to share her story and help educate pregnant and postpartum people and all who support them about the urgent warning signs of pregnancy-related complications.
"I really want women to be aware, to know if they're at risk, to have a plan in place, to not be intimidated in doctor's offices, and to be heard. To know the signs and be persistent about anything that does not feel normal." —Allyson Felix, track and field star