
CDC’s school-based program that prevents adolescent health risks.

At a glance

  • CDC's What Works in Schools program helps promote adolescent health and well-being.
  • The program supports quality health education, increases connections to needed health services, and improves the safety and supportiveness of school environments for middle and high school students.
  • Schools using the program see improved health behaviors and mental health among students.
Three students sitting around a table and talking.


What Works in Schools is a school-based health program. It has been shown to improve health behaviors and experiences, support mental health, and reduce suicidality.

The program works by:

  • Improving health education.
  • Connecting young people to the health services they need.
  • Making school environments safer and more supportive.
Three circles with text about how the program improves mental health and lowers sexual, violence, and drug use risks.
CDC's What Works in Schools program has far-reaching effects.

Participating schools saw decreases in:

  • Sexual risk behaviors among students.
  • Students who use marijuana, who miss school because of safety concerns, and who experience forced sex.

Did you know?‎

What Works in Schools can help to reverse negative trends. The program can also ensure that youth have the support they need to be healthy and thrive.

Quality health education

Quality health education ensures that young people have the knowledge and skills they need as they navigate adolescence. Such education can also set the stage for positive health and well-being into adulthood. Quality health education should be:

  • Age appropriate.
  • Culturally relevant.
  • Medically accurate.
  • Taught by qualified and trained teachers.
  • Based on a strong health curriculum.

Health education that meets these requirements gives students the knowledge and skills they need to make good health choices.

See Also

Access to health services

Schools can help increase student access to health services, including mental health services. Schools do this by providing on-site school services or by referring students to youth-friendly community resources. Schools can also support student access to such services by:

  • Assessing students' needs.
  • Checking the availability of on-site services.
  • Establishing relationships and referral systems to community sources of care.

See Also

Safe and supportive school environments

School environments that are safe and support young people help them feel connected to their schools' peers and adults. This sense of connectedness has been shown to have lasting effects on health and well-being.

Schools can improve connectedness by:

  • Making sure teachers have training to manage students' mental and behavioral health issues.
  • Providing options for positive youth development, such as school and community service programs and mentoring.
  • Ensuring that schools are safe for the most vulnerable youth. Schools can ensure this through anti-harassment policies, safe spaces, inclusive clubs, and professional development for school staff.

See Also

LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices benefit all students—not just LGBTQ+ students

When schools follow policies and practices supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ+) students, all students experience:

  • Less emotional distress.
  • Less violence and harassment.
  • Fewer suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

See Also

Safe and supportive environments positively affect adolescent behaviors and experiences

Green banner with attached tabs showing six behaviors less likely to occur with What Works in Schools programming.
Safe and supportive environments have positive effects on students.

In schools implementing this approach within CDC-funded districts, students were less likely to: have ever had sex, have 4+ sexual partners, be currently sexual active, miss school because of safety concerns, be force to have sex, and use marijuana.