Key points
What people know and what they do with that knowledge has a major impact on their overall health. The resources on this page explain literacy and numeracy, how they are measured, provide literacy and numeracy data, identify literacy policies and practices, and how to promote literacy and numeracy.

What are adult literacy and numeracy?
The U.S. Department of Education defines adult literacy and numeracy in terms of skills that help people accomplish tasks and realize their purposes. Researchers can measure literacy and numeracy skills, but skills are not static. People can build their skills, and even adults with limited skills can get better results when their environments accommodate the skills they have.
- Literacy is understanding, evaluating, using, and engaging with written text to participate in the society, to achieve one's goals and to develop one's knowledge and potential.
- Numeracy is the ability to access, use, interpret, and communicate mathematical information and ideas, to engage in and manage mathematical demands of a range of situations in adult life.
Population measures
Adult health literacy skills
Literacy and health literacy are not the same, but they are related. The U.S. Department of Education collects and reports data on adult literacy and numeracy skills. In 2006, they published the only national data on health literacy skills. The study found that adults who self-report the worst health also have the most limited literacy, numeracy, and health literacy skills.
The Health Literacy of America's Adults: Results from the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy
Adult literacy and numeracy skills
The most current adult literacy data come from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIACC). The PIACC is a comparative study among participating countries. It assesses adults' proficiency in three domains: literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving in technology-rich environments.
In each of these domains, adults perform tasks with different levels of complexity. Their skills with these tasks are quantified and categorized into proficiency levels. The National Center for Education Statistics posts the most current results.
Youth literacy skills
The Department of Education also collects and reports data on school-aged children and youth. Elementary school children with weak literacy and numeracy skills often struggle academically through the middle and high school years. Research shows that academic success, risky behaviors, and health status are linked.
Below you will find other research studies on literacy, numeracy, and related skills and knowledge or organizations conducting research in these areas.
- Adult Literacy Research Center (Georgia State University): This website describes one of several U.S. Department of Education-funded research centers. It also provides literacy resources and information about readability.
- (University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education): conducts research and training in adult education, literacy, and technology in the United States and worldwide.
- The Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning (Portland State University): The Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning project addresses key questions about the literacy development, learning, and life experiences of adults with low levels of education.
Policy, practice, and promotion.
This section contains important links that discuss policies, practices, and ideas about promoting health literacy, literacy, and numeracy.
- Adoption of Health Literacy Best Practices to Enhance Clinical Research and Community Participation Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2022): These proceedings summarize discussions for helping to ensure that the public receives clinical research information in accessible language that promotes health literacy. Discussions also cover ways to share clinical research information in care and community settings to improve research awareness and engagement.
- Health Literacy in the United States: Enhancing Assessments and Reducing Disparities [750 KB, 43 pages] (Milken Institute 2022): The authors of this report identify three areas that they believe should be priorities in developing policies to address health literacy in the United States. The authors also offer seven recommendations for moving forward.
- Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS): LINCS works to expand evidence-based practice in the field of adult education.
- National Association of State Directors of Adult Education (NASDAE, formerly, the National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium [NAEPDC]): NASDAE encourages public policy reviews related to adult education and works with other organizations to plan programs that support adult learning initiatives.
- National Coalition for Literacy (NCL): NCL works to advance adult education, family literacy, and English language acquisition in the United States and works with other organizations to promote effective policies in these areas.
- Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education(OCTAE, U.S. Department of Education): OCTAE administers and coordinates programs for adult education and literacy, career and technical education, and community colleges.
- ProLiteracy: ProLiteracy helps build the capacity and quality of programs that are teaching adults to read, write, compute, use technology, and learn English as a new language.