At a glance
In support of CDC’s mission, the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) is committed to scientific quality, timeliness, and integrity, including collecting and reporting information on chronic disease disparities and inequities.

Health equity science examines patterns and factors that contribute to health inequities. The focus builds evidence to guide programs, surveillance, policy, communications, and future scientific study focused on eliminating inequities.
NCCDPHP staff work with scientists, community members, decision makers, health care providers, and other groups to study topics related to health equity, social determinants of health, and chronic disease prevention.
NCCDPHP collects, studies, and uses data to look at the effects of programs on health disparities and inequities. Culturally responsive and equity-focused program evaluations are important for transparency, accountability, and continued learning. NCCDPHP is committed to using data to improve our programs and describe outcomes achieved with CDC's public health dollars.
Selected research
The following links illustrate our research related to health equity and chronic diseases.
All Adolescents Do Better in Inclusive Schools
Discover how schools can address the adolescent mental health crisis by implementing inclusive policies and practices that support LGBTQ+ youth, which benefits all students.
Cancer in American Indian and Alaska Native People
Explore how Native American people are more likely to get certain cancers compared to non-Hispanic White people.
Disparities in Breast Cancer Deaths
Gain insight on how breast cancer deaths are decreasing in the United States overall, but disparities still exist.
Social Determinants of Health Environmental Scan Executive Summary
Learn about evidence-based interventions that align with NCCDPHP’s Social Determinants of Health framework to help inform future research, program, and technical assistance investments.
The COVID-19 pandemic was a public health crisis that required public health organizations, including CDC, to consider social determinants of health (SDOH) to improve health across our nation. Read NCCDPHP Director Karen Hacker's perspective on CDC's efforts and opportunities to address SDOH.
Evaluation results and resources
Explore NCCDPHP's evaluations and tools created to support other organizations' efforts to evaluate health equity programs.
This guide focuses on key outcome indicators linked to population-level policy, systems, environmental, and behavioral changes.
Improving Access to Diabetes Education
Examine national, state, and local activities to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes and to improve health outcomes for people with diabetes, including people who are underserved by diabetes self-management education and support services.
Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools: An Action Guide for School and District Leaders
The action guide describes six in-school strategies proven to promote and support mental health and well-being.
The Built Environment Assessment Tool Manual
Built environment features can affect health, including access to opportunities to be physically active. This manual explains the importance of understanding and measuring the built environment. The tool helps measure the core features and qualities of the built environment.
Understanding How Multisector Community Partnerships Advance Health Equity
This evaluation of NCCDPHP's Getting Further Faster initiative gathered insights to identify and understand keys to success for community partners that work to address the social determinants of health and prevent chronic diseases.
Health Equity Indicators for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Toolkit
This toolkit presents health equity indicators for eight focus areas, or health equity themes, which influence inequities in cardiovascular disease prevention, care, and management.
The following is a list of selected publications on health equity with one or more NCCDPHP authors.