Key points
CDC in Honduras supported the health ministry to expand access to COVID-19 vaccines and create a communications campaign to increase the number of people getting vaccinated. The Ministry of Health (MOH) in Honduras deployed teams of health care workers who went door to door to give residents a COVID-19 vaccine at home. By March 2023, 67% of people 6 months or older had received two doses. About 57% of the population had been boosted.

CDC has collaborated with public health institutions in the Central America Region since the 1960s.
Nasim Farach is a CDC public health specialist. He has worked with health officials in Honduras for the past 11 years. Nasim works to find the causes of infectious disease outbreaks, identify high-risk groups, and develop prevention and control strategies.
Honduras moved quickly to contain the spread of COVID-19. To impro;05ve disease detection and management at triage centers, CDC quickly donated crucial items including:
- Laboratory equipment and supplies.
- Antigen tests
- Personal protective equipment
- Computers and printers
CDC also provided technical assistance to strengthen rapid response teams that tested for COVID-19 in communities.
When the first COVID-19 vaccines arrived in Honduras, demand was high. But as in most countries, the number of doses was limited. Health officials prioritized who would get them first until more arrived.
During this time, CDC staff worked with health officials to create messages and communication campaigns to inform people about the benefits of these new vaccines.
In December 2021, the MOH began offering COVID-19 vaccine boosters to all adults 18 years and older. "Vaccinations really picked up in late 2021 and at the beginning of 2022," says Farach. "Interest in getting boosters bumped up a little in May 2022, but then demand plateaued," he adds.
Increasing demand
U.S. government donations of COVID-19 vaccines through COVAX significantly increased the amount of vaccine. With more vaccines available for the general public, health officials could focus on more people getting vaccinated. The MOH's goal was to protect everyone who had not been vaccinated yet from serious health complications related to COVID-19.
Farach worked with MOH colleagues and CDC partners Task Force for Global Health and Global Communities.
The teams developed a communication campaign designed to increase the demand for the vaccine. The multimedia campaign was tailored to reach people at higher risk for serious illness. Posters were targeted to specific populations, such as those older than 60 years, people with underlying health conditions, and children. The posters were also translated to Garifuna, Miskito, and Bay Islander English languages. Health care workers hung materials in MOH health centers and other public areas in the communities.

Going door to door to get the message out
The MOH used community brigades to reach more people. These teams of healthcare workers were deployed to go door to door and offer the COVID-19 vaccine. They focused on people at highest risk of experiencing serious COVID-19 complications, particularly people over age 65 years and those with underlying conditions.
The teams were equipped to give residents other recommended vaccines as well. Residents were informed about the arrival of vaccination brigades via broadcasting from vehicles. Health workers also walked through neighborhoods using bullhorns to inform people about the importance and availability of getting vaccines.

Creating more demand for COVID-19 vaccines among pregnant women
Health officials also focused on vaccinating more pregnant women. The vaccination rate among pregnant women was particularly low.
Farach worked with health officials to develop a campaign that spoke directly to expectant parents. The message was simple: getting the COVID-19 vaccine protects both the soon-to-be parent and the unborn child.
CDC supported the design, printing, and distribution of posters promoting COVID-19 vaccinations in prenatal care clinics across the country. Vaccination rates among pregnant women in Honduras rose from 12% in August 2021 to 51% by the end of 2022.

By March 2023, 67% of people aged 6 months or older had received two doses, and 57% of the population had been boosted.
"As of October 2022, CDC is not providing additional support for the COVID-19 communications campaign, but the Ministry of Health is still using and adapting the communications materials we jointly developed," says Farach. "So the work created during the pandemic continues to bring benefits to the people of Honduras."

Next steps
CDC is currently working with the Honduran MOH to expand the community brigades. The goal is to vaccinate eligible household members against COVID-19 and other vaccine-preventable diseases. This also helps health officials assess lessons learned from COVID-19 to improve MOH's ability to respond to future pandemics.