Visual Dashboard: Performing Statistical Analyses with Visual Tools
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Analysis Gadgets
The Visual Dashboard contains a number of gadgets for analysis, charts, and advanced statistics.
General Analysis Gadgets
- Line List – provides a view of data in tabular format.
- Frequency – shows how many records have each value of a field.
- Word Cloud – used for text fields; shows the most common words used in a font size proportional to the frequency the word is used.
- Combined Frequency – illustrates the frequency and percentage of grouped variables.
- M x N / 2 x 2 Table – allows you to examine the relationship between two or more categorical values.
- Matched Pair Case-Control – compares an Exposure Variable, the Outcome Variable (i.e., case vs. control), and a Match variable that links each case to its control.
- Means – calculates the average for a continuous numeric variable.
- Duplicates List – helps you identify potentially duplicate records.
Charts – produces histograms, scatter plots, pie charts, and bar and line graphs directly from data files.
- Column Chart
- Line Chart
- Area Chart
- Pie Chart
- Aberration Detection Chart
- Pareto Chart
- Scatter Chart
- Epi Curve Chart
Advanced Statistics – provides options to determine the relationship between one dependent variable with one or more independent variables; one or more explanatory variables; or analyze data collected using simple random sampling or unbiased systematic sampling, and/or through more complex sampling strategies such as stratification, cluster sampling, and the use of unequal sampling fractions.
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Complex Sample Frequencies
- Complex Sample Means
- Complex Sample Tables