Collecting & Analyzing Data on an Android Device
Companion for Android
- Companion for Android Introduction
- Initial Set Up
- Designing Forms for Mobile
- Copy Form to Mobile Device
- Collect Data on Mobile Device
- Preload Data on Mobile Device
- Transfer Data From Mobile Device
- Configuring Cloud Synchronization
- Share Spreadsheets Between Mobile Devices
- StatCalc Epidemiologic Calculators
- Analyze Data
- Chapter 6: Companion for Android – Full Chapter
Configuring Cloud Synchronization with Box
Box is a cloud content management and file sharing service for businesses. The company uses a freemium business model to provide cloud storage and file hosting for personal accounts and businesses. In order to use this cloud service, you will need to complete these steps:
Step 1: Create a Box account
Step 2: Configure Cloud Synchronization setting on EI application to use Box
Step 3: Sign into Box account from device
Step 4: Send data to cloud
Create a Box Account
The first step will require you to create a Box account. This can be done at the following Box website: When creating the account, make sure to select the Free option which provides up to 10GB of storage.
Configure Cloud Synchronization Setting
Once the account has been created, you will need to configure the Cloud Synchronization setting on the Epi Info™ Companion for Android to use Box. In order to configure the device, click on the Settings icon located on the top-right corner of the main menu of the application. Press on the Cloud service option available under the Cloud Synchronization settings, and select Box.

Figure 6.67: Configure Box account on the device
Sign into Box Account From Device
In order to connect with the cloud service, users will need to open the form that will be used for data collection using the Collect Data module. Once the form is opened, select the Sign in to Box account option.

Figure 6.68: Sign in to Box account on the device
This will open the Box Log-in web page. Provide a username and password. After clicking in the Authorize button, the application provides a message stating that access is granted.

Figure 6.69: Sign in to Box account on the device
Once this process is completed, you will be able to send data to the cloud using the Sync with Cloud option available in the Settings menu options of the form.