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Demorest H, Hinnenkamp R, Cook-Shimanek M, Troeschel A, Yeh M, Hallett TC, Kuai D, Daniel J, Winquist A. Outbreak Linked to Morel Mushroom Exposure — Montana, 2023. MMWR. 2024;73:219–224.
Troeschel A, Teras LR, Hodge JM, Rodriguez J, Wang Y, Daniel J, Diver WR, Winquist A. A Case-Cohort Study of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Concentrations and Incident Prostate Cancer in the Cancer Prevention Study-II LifeLink Cohort Study. Environmental Research. 2024;259:119560.
Bastani P, Jammeh A, Lamar F, Malenfant J, Adewuyi P, Cavanaugh A, Calloway K, Crisp C, Fofana N, Hallett TC, Jallow A, Muoneke U, Nyassi M, Thomas J, Troeschel A, Yard E, Yeh M, Bittaye M. Acute Kidney Injury Among Children Likely Associated with Diethylene Glycol–Contaminated Medications — The Gambia, June–September 2022. MMWR. 2023;72(9):217-22.
Lavery AM, Kieszak SM, Law R, Bronstein AC, Funk AR, Banerji S, Brown K, Backer LC. Harmful Algal Bloom Exposures Self-reported to Poison Centers in the United States, May–October 2019. Public Health Reports. 2023.
Winquist A, Hodge JM, Diver WR, Rodriguez JL, Troeschel AN, Daniel J, and Teras L. R. (2023). Case-Cohort Study of the Association between PFAS and Selected Cancers among Participants in the American Cancer Society's Cancer Prevention Study II LifeLink Cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2023;131(12), 127007.
Bulka CM, Bryan MS, Lombard MA, Bartell SM, Jones DK, Bradley PM, Vieira VM, Silverman DT, Focazio M, Toccalino PL, Daniel J, Backer LC, Ayotte JD, Gribble MO, Argos M. Arsenic in Private Well Water and Birth Outcomes in the United States. Environment International. 2022;163.
Egan KB, Dignam T, Brown MJ, Bayleyegn T, Blanton C. Using Small Area Prevalence Survey Methods to Conduct Blood Lead Assessments among Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19(10), 6151.
Bui D, Kukielka E, Blau E, Tompkins L, Bing L, Edge C, Hardin R, Miller D, House J, Boehmer T, Winquist A, Orr M, Funk R, Thoroughman D. The Occupational Health Effects of Responding to a Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion Among Emergency First Responders – Lincoln County, Kentucky, 2019. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2021; 1-8.
Lavery A, Backer L, Daniel J. Evaluation of Electronic Health Records to Monitor Illness from Harmful Algal Blooms in the United States. Journal of Environmental Health. 2021;83(9):8-14.
Lavery A, Backer L, Roberts V, Devies J, Daniel J. Evaluation of Syndromic Surveillance Data for Studying Harmful Algal Bloom-Associated Illnesses — United States, 2017–2019. MMWR. 2021; 70(35):1191–1194.
Layer M, Therriault C, Chang, A. Nerve Agent. AccessScience, McGraw-Hill Education, Nov. 2021.
Marks KJ, Howards P, Smarr M, Flanders WD, Northstone K, Daniel J, Sjödin A, Calafat A, Hartman T. Prenatal Exposure to Mixtures of Persistent Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals and Birth Size in a Population-based Cohort of British Girls. Epidemiology. 2021;32(4):573-582.
Marks KJ, Howards P, Smarr M, Flanders WD, Northstone K, Daniel J, Calafat A, Sjödin A, Marcus M, Hartman T. Prenatal Exposure to Mixtures of Persistent Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Early Menarche in a Population-Based Cohort of British Girls. Environmental Pollution. 2021;276:116705.
Marks KJ, Howards P, Smarr M, Flanders WD, Northstone K, Daniel J, Sjödin A, Calafat A, Hartman T. Prenatal Exposure to Mixtures of Persistent Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Postnatal Body Size in British Girls. Early Human Development. 2021;161.
Ruff JC, Zhang Y, Bui D, Therriault C, Nogee D, Guthery SL, Daniel J. Notes from the Field: Acute Nonviral Hepatitis Linked to a Brand of Alkaline Bottled Water — Clark County, Nevada and California, 2020. MMWR. 2021;70:1617–1619.
Steenland K, Winquist A. PFAS and Cancer, a Scoping Review of the Epidemiologic Evidence. Environmental Research. 2021;194:110690.
Chang A, Schnall A, Law R, Bronsten AC, Marraffa JM, Spiller HA, Hays HL, Funk AR, Mercurio-Zappala M, Calello DP, Aleguas A, Borys DJ, Boehmer T, Svendsen E. Cleaning and Disinfectant Chemical Exposures and Temporal Associations with COVID-19 – National Poison Data System, United States, January 1 2020 – March 31, 2020. MMWR. 2020;69(16);496-498.
Yang Q, Flanagan SC, Chilrud S, Ross J, Zeng W, Culbertson C, Spayd S, Backer L, Smith AE, Zheng Y. Reduction in Drinking Water Arsenic Exposure and Health Risk Through Arsenic Treatment Among Private Well Households in Maine and New Jersey, USA. Science of the Total Environment. 2020; 738: 139683.
Backer LC, Bolton, B, Litz JA, Trevillian J, Kieszak S, Kuklick J. Environmental Contaminants in Coastal Populations: Comparisons with the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and Resident Dolphins. Science of the Total Environment. 2019; 696: 134041.
Bowen K, Krishna T, Backer L, Hodgins K, Waller LA, Gribble MO. State-Level Policies Concerning Private Wells in the United States. Water Policy. 2019;21(2):428-435.
Chang A, Thomas J, Johnson R, Gorman SE, Schier J, Yip L. Nerve Agent Incidents and Public Health Preparedness. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2019;170(1):59-61.
Greco SL, Belova A, Haskel J, Backer, L. Estimated Burden of Disease from Arsenic in Drinking Water Supplied by Domestic Wells in the United States. Journal of Water and Health. 2019;17(5):801–812.
Kasper A, Ridpath A, Gerona R, Cox R, Galli R, Kyle P, Parker C, Arnold J, Chatham-Stephens K, Morrison M, Olayinka O, Preacely N, Kieszak S, Martin C, Schier J, Wolkin A, Byers P, Dobbs T. Severe Illness Associated with Reported Use of Synthetic Cannabinoids: A Public Health Investigation (Mississippi, 2015). Clinical Toxicology (Phila.). 2019;57(1):10-18.
Marks KJ, Cutler AJ, Jeddy Z, Northstone K, Kato K, Hartman TJ. Maternal Serum Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Birth Size in British Boys. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2019;222(5):889-895.
Marks KJ, Jeddy Z, Flanders WD, Northstone K, Fraser A, Calafat AM, Kato K, Hartman TJ. Maternal Serum Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances During Pregnancy and Gestational Weight Gain: The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Reproductive Toxicology. 2019;90:8-14.
Wang A, Jeddy Z, Sjodin A, Taylor EV, Marks KJ, Hartman TJ. Prenatal Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Body Fatness in Girls. Chemosphere. 2019;236:124315.
El Zahran T, Schier J, Glidden E, Kieszak S, Law R, Bottei E, Aaron C, King A, Chang A. Characteristics of Tianeptine Exposures Reported to the National Poison Data System—United States, 2000–2017. MMWR. 2018;67(30):815-818.
Fortenberry GZ, Reynolds P, Burrer SL, Johnson-Lawrence V, Wang A, Schnall A, Pullins P, Kieszak S, Bayleyegn T, Wolkin A. Assessment of Behavioral Health Concerns in the Community Affected by the Flint Water Crisis — Michigan (USA) 2016. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2018;33(3):256-265.
Graciaa DS, Cope JR, Roberts VA, Cikesh BL, Kahler AM, Vigar M, Hilborn ED, Wade TJ, Backer LC, Montgomery SP, Secor WE, Hill VR, Beach MJ, Fullerton KE, Yoder JS, Hlavsa MC. Outbreaks Associated with Untreated Recreational Water—United States, 2000-2014. MMWR. 2018;67(25):701-706.
Hick JL, Bader JL, Coleman CN, Ansari A, Chang A, Salame-Alfie A, Hanfling D, Koerner JF. Proposed "Exposure And Symptom Triage" (EAST) Tool to Assess Radiation Exposure After a Nuclear Detonation. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2018;12(3):386-395.
Jeddy Z, Kordas K, Allen K, Taylor EV, Northstone K, Flanders WD, Namulanda G, Sjodin A, Hartman TJ. Prenatal Exposure to Organochlorine Pesticides and Early Childhood Communication Development in British Girls. Neurotoxicology. 2018;69:121-129.
Jeddy Z, Tobias JH, Taylor EV, Northstone K, Flanders WD, Hartman TJ. Prenatal Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Bone Health in British Girls at Age 17. Archives of Osteoporosis. 2018;13(1):84.
Patel JF, Hartman TJ, Sjodin A, Northstone K, Taylor EV. Prenatal Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Fetal Growth in British Girls. Environment International. 2018;116:116-121.
Wang A, Law R, Lyons R, Choudhary E, Wolkin A, Schier J. Assessing the Public Health Impact of Using Poison Center Data for Public Health Surveillance. Clinical Toxicology. 2018;56(7):646-652.
Whitcomb R, Ansari A, Salame-Alfie A, McCurley MC, Buzzell J, Chang A, Jones Rl. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Experience In The Joint External Evaluation Process—Radiation Emergencies Technical Area. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2018;182(1):9-13.
Ayotte JD, Medalie L, Qi SL, Backer L, Nolan BT. Estimating the High-Arsenic Domestic-Well Population in the Coterminous United States. Environmental Science and Technology. 2017;51(21):12443–12454.
Behbod B, Leonardi G, Motreff Y, Beck C, Yzermans J, Lebret E, Muravov O, Bayleyegn T, Wolkin A, Lauriola P, Close R, Crabbe H, Pirard P. An International Comparison of the Instigation and Design of Health Registers in the Epidemiological Response to Major Environmental Health Incidents. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2017;23(1):20-28.
Burrer SL, Fechter-Leggett E, Bayleyegn T, Mark-Carew M, Thomas C, Bixler D, Noe R, Hsu J, Haddy L, Wolkin A. Assessment of Impact and Recovery Needs in Communities Affected by the Elk River Chemical Spill, West Virginia, April 2014. Public Health Reports. 2017;132(2):188-195.
Chatham-Stephens K, Taylor E, Chang A, Peterson A, Daniel J, Martin C, Deuster P, Noe R, Kieszak S, Schier J, Klontz K, Lewis L. Hepatotoxicity Associated with Weight Loss or Sports Dietary Supplements, Including OxyELITE Pro™ — United States, 2013. Drug Testing and Analysis. 2017;9(1):68-74.
Friedman MA, Fernandez M, Backer LC, Dickey RW, Bernstein J, Schrank K, Kibler S, Stephan W, Gribble MO, Bienfang P, Bowen RE, Degrasse S, Quintana HAF, Loeffler CR, Weisman R, Blythe D, Berdalet E, Ayyar R, Clarkson-Townsend D, Swajian K, Brenner R, Brewer T, Fleming LE. An Updated Review of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning: Clinical, Epidemiological, Environmental, and Public Health Management. Marine Drugs. 2017;15(3):72.
Law R, Murphy M, Choudhary E. Private Well Groundwater Quality in West Virginia, USA–2010. Science of the Total Environment. 2017;586:559-565.
Marks KJ, Hartman TJ, Taylor EV, Rybak ME, Northstone K, Marcus M. Exposure to Phytoestrogens in Utero and Age at Menarche in a Contemporary British Cohort. Environmental Research. 2017;155:287-293.
Santos C, Kieszak S, Wang A, Law R, Schier J, Wolkin A. Reported Adverse Health Effects in Children from Ingestion of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers — United States, 2011–2014. MMWR. 2017;66(8):223–226.
Thomasson ED, Scharman E, Fechter-Leggett E, Bixler D, Ibrahim S, Duncan MA, Hsu J, Scott M, Wilson S, Haddy L, Pizon A, L Burrer S, Wolkin A, Lewis L. Acute Health Effects After the Elk River Chemical Spill, West Virginia, January 2014. Public Health Reports. 2017;132(2):196-202.
Anwar M, Law R, Schier J. Notes from the Field: Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) Exposures Reported to Poison Centers — United States, 2010–2015. MMWR. 2016;65(29):748-749.
Anwar M, Ridpath A, Berner J, Schier JG. Environmental Exposures among Arctic Populations: The Maternal Organics Monitoring Study in Alaska. Journal of Medical Toxicology. 2016;12(3):315-317.
Backer L, Miller, M. Sentinel Animals in a One Health Approach to Harmful Cyanobacterial and Algal Blooms. Veterinary Sciences. 2016;3(2):8.
Chatham-Stephens K, Law R, Taylor E, Kieszak S, Melstrom P, Bunnell R, Wang B, Day H, Apelberg B, Cantrell L, Foster H, Schier J. Exposure Calls to U.S. Poison Centers Involving Electronic Cigarettes and Conventional Cigarettes—September 2010–December 2014. Journal of Medical Toxicology. 2016;12(4):350-357.
Chiu C, Martin C, Woldemichael D, W/Selasie G, Tareke I, Luce R, G/Libanos G, Hunt D, Bayleyegn T, Addissie A, Buttke D, Bitew A, Vagi S, Murphy M, Seboxa T, Jima D, Debella A. Surveillance of a Chronic Liver Disease of Unidentified Cause in a Rural Setting of Ethiopia: A Case Study. Ethiopian Medical Journal. 2016;54(1):27-32.
Eggleston W, Marraffa J, Stork C, Mercurio-Zappala M, Su M, Wightman R, Cummings K, Schier J. Notes from the Field: Cardiac Dysrhythmias After Loperamide Abuse—New York 2016. MMWR. 2016;65(45):1276-1277.
Haddock R, Olson D, Backer L, Malilay J. Urolithiasis, Urinary Cancer, and Home Drinking Water Source in the United States Territory of Guam, 2006-2010. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016;13(6): 523.
Johnston DI, Chang A, Viray M, Chatham-Stephens K, He H, Taylor E, Wong L, Schier J, Martin C, Fabricant D, Salter M, Lewis L, Park SY. Hepatotoxicity Associated with the Dietary Supplement OxyELITE Pro™ - Hawaii, 2013. Drug Testing and Analysis. 2016;8(3-4):319-327.
Kennedy C, Yard E, Dignam T, Buchanan S, Condon S, Brown MJ, Raymond J, Rogers HS, Sarisky J, de Castro R, Arias I, Breysse P. Blood Lead Levels Among Children Aged <6 Years — Flint, Michigan, 2013–2016. MMWR. 2016;65(25).
LaKind J, Overpeck J, Breysse P, Backer L, Richardson S, Sobus J, Sapkota A, Upperman C, Jiang C, Brunkard JM, Bell J, Harris R, Chretien J-P, Peltier R, Chew G, Bount B. Exposure Science in an Age of Rapidly Changing Climate: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2016;26(6):529-538.
Murti M, Yard E, Kramer R, Haselow D, Mettler M, McElvany R, Martin C. Impact of the 2012 Extreme Drought Conditions on Private Well Owners in the United States, A Qualitative Analysis. BMC Public Health. 2016;16(1):430.
Namulanda G, Maisonet M, Taylor E, Flanders WD, Olson D, Sjodin A, Qualters JR, Vena J, Northstone K, Naeher L. In Utero Exposure to Organochlorine Pesticides and Early Menarche in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Environment International. 2016;94:467-472.
Namulanda G, Taylor E, Maisonet M, Barr D, Flander WD, Olson D, Qualters J, Vena J, Northstone K, Naher L. In Utero Exposure to Atrazine Analytes and Early Menarche in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Cohort. Environmental Research. 2017; 156:420-425.
Ridpath A, Taylor E, Greenstreet C, Martens M, Wicke H, Martin C. Description of Calls from Private Well Owners to a National Well Water Hotline, 2013. Science of the Total Environment. 2016;544:601-605.
Smith A, Lincoln R, Paulu C, Simones T, Caldwell K, Jones R, Backer L. Assessing Arsenic Exposure in Households Using Bottled Water or Point-of-Use Treatment Systems to Mitigate Well Water Contamination. Science of the Total Environment. 2016;544:701–710.
Backer L. Increased Risks from Cyanobacteria and Algae Blooms. In: Lemry J, Luber, G. Climate Change and Health. Chapter 6. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2015.
Backer L, Manassaram-Baptiste D, LePrell R, Bolton B. Cyanobacteria and Algae Booms: Review of Health and Environmental Data from the Harmful Algal Bloom-Related Illness Surveillance System (HABISS). Toxins. 2015;7(4):1048-1064.
Berdalet E; Fleming LE, Gowen R, Davidson K, Hess P, Backer LC, Moore SK, Hoagland P, Enevoldsen H. Marine Harmful Algal Blooms, Human Health and Wellbeing: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2015.
Callejas L, Darce ACM, Amaro JJ, Conklin L, Gaffga N, Rogers HS, DeGrasse S, Hall S, Earley M, Mei J, Rubin C, Aldighieri S, Backer L, Azziz-Baumgartner E. Paralytic Shellfish Poisonings Resulting from an Algal Bloom in Nicaragua. BMC Research Notes. 2015;8:74.
Chiu C, Lozier M, Bayleyegn T, Tait K, Barreau T, Copan L, Rosiman R, Jackson R, Smorodinsky S, Kreutzer R, Yip F, Wolkin A. Geothermal Gases—Community Experiences, Perceptions, and Exposures in Northern California. Journal of Environmental Health. 2015;78(5):14-21.
Hrudey S, Backer L, Humpage A, Krasner S, Michaud D, Moore L, Singer P, Stanford B. Evaluating Evidence for Association of Human Bladder Cancer with Drinking-Water Chlorination Disinfection By-Products. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews. 2015;18(5):213-241.
Ibelings BW, Backer L, Kardinaal WE, Chorus I. Current Approaches to Cyanotoxin Risk Assessment and Risk Management Around the Globe. Harmful Algae. 2015;49:63-74.
Kasper A, Ridpath A, Arnold J, Chatham-Stephens K, Morrison M, Olayinka O, Parker C, Galli R, Cox R, Preacely N, Anderson J, Kyle P, Gerona R, Martin C, Schier J, Wolkin A, Dobbs T. Notes from the Field: Severe Illness Associated with Reported Use of Synthetic Cannabinoids - Mississippi, April 2015. MMWR. 2015;64(39):1121-1122.
Law R, Schier J, Martin C, Chang A, Wolkin A. Notes from the Field: Increase in Reported Adverse Health Effects Related to Synthetic Cannabinoid Use — United States, January–May 2015. MMWR. 2015;64(22);618-619.
Lozier M, Boyd M, Stanley C, Ogilvie L, King E, Martin C, Lewis L. Acetyl Fentanyl, a Novel Fentanyl Analog, Causes 14 Overdose Deaths in Rhode Island, March – May 2013. Journal of Medical Toxicology. 2015;11(2):208-217.
Miranda M, Anthopolos R, Wolkin A, Stapleton HM. Associations of Birth Outcomes with Maternal Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Thyroid Hormones During Pregnancy. Environment International. 2015;85:244-253.
Yard E, Bayleyegn T, Abebe A, Mekonnen A, Murphy M, Caldwell K, Luce R, Rentz Hunt D, Tesfaye K, Abate M, Assefa T, Abera F, Habte K, Chala F, Lewis L, Kebede A. Metals Exposures of Residents Living Near the Akaki River in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2015.
Behbod B, Parker E, Jones E, Bayleyegn T, Guarisco J, Morrison M, McIntyre M, Knight M, Eichold B, Yip F. Community Health Assessment Following Mercaptan Spill: Eight Mile, Mobile County, Alabama, September 2012. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2014;20(6):632-639.
Chatham-Stephens K, Law R, Taylor E, Melstrom P, Bunnell R, Wang B, Apelberg B, Schier JG. Notes from the Field: Calls to Poison Centers for Exposures to Electronic Cigarettes — United States, September 2010–February 2014. MMWR. 2014;63(13):292-293.
Chiu C, Vagi S, Wolkin A, Martin J, Noe R. Evaluation of the National Weather Service Extreme Cold Warning Experiment in North Dakota. Weather, Climate, and Society. 2014; 6(1): 22-31.
Conklin L, Sejvar J, Kieszak S, Sabogal R, Sanchez C, Flanders D, Tulloch F, Victoria G, Rodriguez G, Sosa N, McGeehin M, Schier JG. Long-term Renal and Neurological Outcomes Among Survivors of Diethylene Glycol Poisoning. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2014;174(6):912-917.
Hilborn E, Roberts V, Backer L, DeConno E, Egan J, Hyde J, Nicholas D, Wiegert E, Billing L, DiOrio M, Mohr M, Hardy F, Wade T, Yoder J, Hlavsa MC. Algal Bloom–Associated Disease Outbreaks Among Users of Freshwater Lakes — United States, 2009–2010. MMWR. 2014;63(1):11-15.
Hlavsa M, Roberts V, Kahler A, Hilborn E, Wade T, Backer L, Yoder J. Recreational Water–Associated Disease Outbreaks — United States, 2009–2010. MMWR. 2014;63(1):6-10.
Pillai S, Noe R, Murphy M, Vaidyanathan A, Young R, Kieszak S, Freymann G, Smith W, Drenzek C, Lewis L, Wolkin A. Heat Illness: Predictors of Hospital Admissions Among Emergency Department Visits—Georgia, 2002-2008. J Community Health. 2014;39(1):90-8.
Ridpath A, Driver C, Nolan M, Karpati A, Kass D, Paone D, Jakubowski A, Hoffman R, Nelson L, Kunins H. Illnesses and Deaths Among Persons Attending an Electronic Dance-music Festival - New York City, 2013. MMWR. 2014;63(50):1195-1198.
Sosa N, Rodriguez G, Schier JG, Sejvar J. Clinical, Laboratory, Diagnostic, and Histopathologic Features of Diethylene Glycol Poisoning – Panama, 2006. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2014;64(1):38-47.
Wolkin A, Schnall A, Law R, Schier J. Using Poison Center Data for Post-Disaster Surveillance. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2014;29(5):521-524.
Yard EE, Murphy MW, Schneeberger C, Narayanan J, Hoo E, Freiman A, Lewis LS, Hill VR. Microbial and Chemical Contamination During and After Flooding in the Ohio River—Kentucky, 2011. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 2014;49(11):1236-1243.
Algren DA, Monteilh CP, Punja M, Schier JG, Belson M, Hepler B, Schimdt CJ, Miller CE, Patel M, Paulozzi LJ, Straetemans M, Rubin C. Fentanyl-associated Fatalities Among Illicit Drug Users in Wayne County, Michigan (July 2005–May 2006). Journal of Medical Toxicology. 2013;9(1):106-15.
Backer LC, Landsberg JH, Miller M, Keel K, Taylor TK. Canine Cyanotoxin Poisonings in the United States (1920s–2012): Review of Suspected and Confirmed Cases from Three Data Sources. Toxins. 2013;5(9): 1597-1628.
Fleischer NL, Tiesman H, Sumitani J, Mize T, Amarnaht K, Bayakly A, Murphy M. Public Health Impact of Heat-Related Illness Among Migrant Farmworkers. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013;44(3):199-206.
Fowler DR, Mitchell CS, Brown A, Pollock T, Bratka LA, Paulson J, Noller AC, Mauskapf R, Oscanyan K, Vaidyanathan A, Wolkin A, Taylor EV. Heat-Related Deaths After an Extreme Heat Event—Four States, 2012, and United States 1999–2009. MMWR. 2013;62(22):433–436.
Ghosh T, Herlihy R, Van Dyke M, Kuhn S, Burrer S, Halliday M, Spelke B, Bayleyegn T, Wolkin A, Lewis L, Fechter-Leggett E, Olayinka O. Notes from the Field: Severe Illness Associated with Reported Use of Synthetic Marijuana –Colorado, August-September 2013. MMWR. 2013;62(49):1016-1017.
Law R, Schier J, Martin C, Olivares D, Thomas R, Bronstein AC, Chang A. National Surveillance for Radiological Exposures and Intentional Potassium Iodide and Iodine Product Ingestion in the US Associated with the 2011 Japan Radiological Incident. Clinical Toxicology (Phila). 2013;51(1):41-46.
Marder E, Kirschke D, Robbins D, Dunn J, Jones TF, Racoosin J, Paulozzi L, Chang A. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)-Like Illness Associated with Intravenous Opana ER Abuse – Tennessee, 2012. MMWR. 2013;62(01):1-4.
Murphy MW, Lando JF, Kieszak SM, Sutter ME, Noonan GP, Brunkard JM, McGeehin MA. Formaldehyde Levels in FEMA-supplied Travel Trailers, Park Models, and Mobile Homes in Louisiana and Mississippi. Indoor Air. 2013;23(2):134-141.
Noe R, Choudhary E, Wolkin A, Cheng-Dobson J, Newman S. Exertional Heat-Related Illnesses at the Grand Canyon National Park, 2004-2009. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. 2013;24:422-428.
Park SY, Viray M, Johnston D, Taylor E, Chang A, Martin C, Schier JG, Lewis LS, Levri KM, Chatham-Stephens K. Notes from the Field: Acute Hepatitis and Liver Failure Following the Use of a Dietary Supplement Intended for Weight Loss or Muscle Building – May–October 2013. MMWR. 2013;62(40):817–819.
Penotti R, Scallan E, Backer L, Thomas J, Angulo FJ. Ciguatera and Scombroid Fish Poisoning in the United States. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 2013;10(12):1059-66.
Schier JG, Hunt DR, Perala A, McMartin KE, Bartels MJ, Lewis LS, McGeehin MA, Flanders WD. Characterizing Concentrations of Diethylene Glycol and Suspected Metabolites in Human Serum, Urine, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Samples from the Panama DEG Mass Poisoning. Clinical Toxicology (Phila). 2013;51(10):923-9.
Sheikh S, Chang A, Kieszak S, Law R, Bennett HK, Ernst E, Bond GR, Spiller HA, Schurz-Rogers H, Chu A, Bronstein AC, Schier JG. Characterizing Risk Factors for Pediatric Lamp Oil Product Exposures. Clinical Toxicology (Phila). 2013;51(9):871-878.
Silva LK, Backer LC, Ashley DL, Gordon SM, Brinkman MC, Nuckols JR, Wilkes CR, Blount BC. The Influence of Physiochemical Properties on the Internal Dose of Trihalomethanes in Humans Following a Controlled Showering Exposure. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2013;23(1):39-45.
Vagi SJ, Sheikh S, Brackney M, Smolinske S, Warrick B, Reuter N, Schier JG. Passive Multistate Surveillance for Neutropenia After Use of Cocaine or Heroin Possibly Contaminated with Levamisole. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2013;61(4):468-474.
Yard EE, Daniel JH, Lewis LW, Rybak ME, Paliakov EM, Kim AY, Montgomery JM, Bunnell R, Abudo MU, Akhwale W, Breiman RF, Sharif SK. Human Aflatoxin Exposure in Kenya, 2007: A Cross-Sectional Study. Food Additives and Contaminants Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess. 2013;30(7):1322-1331.
Azziz-Baumgartner E, Luber G, Conklin L, Tosteson TR, Grenade HR, Dickey RW, Backer LC. Assessing the Incidence of Ciguatera Fish poisoning with Two Surveys Conducted in Culebra, Puerto Rico, During 2005-2006. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2012;120(4):526-529.
Backer LC. Freshwater Algal Blooms and Public Health. Lake Line. 2012;32(3):7-9.
Buttke DE, Sircar K, Martin C. Exposures to Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals and Age of Menarche in Adolescent Girls in NHANES (2003-2008). Environmental Health Perspectives. 2012;120(11):1613-1618.
Noe R, Jin J, and Wolkin A. Exposure to Natural Cold and Heat: Hypothermia and Hyperthermia Medicare Claims, United States 2004-2005. American Journal of Public Health. 2012;102(4):e11-e18.
Schier JG, Sejvar JJ, Lutterloh E, Likaka A, Katsoudas E, Karaseva YD, Barr BT, Redwood Y, Monroe S. Consumption of Pesticide-treated Wheat Seed by a Rural Population in Malawi. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2012;22(6):569-573.
Wilson T, Chang A, Berro A, Still A, Brown C, Demma A, Nemhauser J, Martin C, Salame-Alfie A, Fisher-Tyler F, Smith L, Grady-Erickson O, Alvarado-Ramy F, Brunette G, Ansari A, McAdam D, Marano N. U.S. Screening of International Travelers for Radiation Contamination following the Japanese Nuclear Plant Disaster in March 2011. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2012;6(3):291-296.
Wolkin A, Hunt D, Martin C, Caldwell KL, McGeehin MA. Blood Mercury Levels Among Fish Consumers Residing in Areas with High Environmental Burden. Chemosphere. 2012;86(9):967-971.
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