Field Photos

EIS officer Ian Hennessee stands outside a paper mill in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan during an investigation of a blastomycosis outbreak which occurred among employees of the mill.

Ann Carpenter (EIS '22) poses next to a raccoon that USDA APHIS Wildlife Services has trapped as part of their trap-vaccinate-release campaign to immunize local wildlife against rabies.

Emma Price (EIS '22) examines a satellite image map to plan the driving route to distribute oral rabies vaccine baits within her designated area.

AJ Beron and Victoria Shelus (EIS '22) arrive in Omaha with many bags of luggage containing supplies to conduct enhanced rabies surveillance.

Sergio Rodriguez (LLS '22) finalizes preparing the inside of the Nebraska DHHS
emergency response trailer to serve as a mobile testing lab for enhanced rabies surveillance.

EIS Officer Victoria Shelus collects data for found dead wildlife tested as part of enhanced rabies surveillance in Nebraska.

Nebraska State Epidemiologist, Matthew Donahue (right, EIS '19) poses with Sergio Rodriguez (left, LLS '22), AJ Beron (EIS '22), Emma Price (EIS '22), Victoria Shelus (EIS '22), and Sydney Stein (EIS '23) in front of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Emergency Response trailer which would serve as a mobile testing lab for enhanced rabies surveillance.

EIS officer Katie Saunders reviews surgical supplies during an investigation related to Mycobacterium abscessus infections at a cosmetic surgery clinic in Florida.

EIS officers Marissa Grossman (left) and Cam-Van Huynh (right) at the Connecticut State Public Health Laboratory examining antimicrobial resistance patterns in bacterial isolates that were part of a multistate outbreak.

EIS Officer Scarlett Lee examines a health register to check for missed cases of Polio in Blantyre, Malawi during an outbreak in February 2022.

LLS Fellow Perri Callaway pipettes urine to test for Blastomyces antigen during an outbreak of blastomycosis at a Michigan paper mill in 2023.

EIS officer Bethan Swift collects information on the health and medical needs of a community affected by flash flooding in September 2023.

EIS officer Christine Thomas (left) and epidemiologist Emma Roth (right) inspecting a baptismal font during a Legionella investigation in Tennessee in May 2023.

American Samoa DOH officers Scott Anesi (right) and Astrid Johansson (left) conduct field testing for dengue alongside LLS Fellow Hans Desale (center) in American Samoa in October 2023.

EIS Officer Forrest Jones collects patient information during field testing for dengue in American Samoa in October 2023.

Emma Price (EIS '22) sets up her testing station to perform a commercially available lateral flow assay to detect rabies virus antigen as part of an enhanced rabies surveillance response.

EIS Officer Sandra Kiplagat and CDC Employee Rafael Tosado collect lab supplies for American Samoa dengue testing.

EIS officer Sandra Kiplagat examines test results looking for previous dengue infection among school children in American Samoa in 2023.

EIS officer Noemi Hall (EIS Class of 2016) conducts research at the Archives of Appalachia at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, where the archives of the Coal Employment Project are housed.