At a glance
Ebola disease was first identified in 1976 after an outbreak in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then, these viruses have emerged periodically from the unknown animal that carries them and infected people in several African countries. Expand the sections below to read a brief summary of all known cases and outbreaks, organized by year.
Ebola Disease Outbreaks by Species and Size, Since 1976

About the outbreaks
The Ebola virus, Sudan virus, and Bundibugyo virus are the three viruses responsible for most large outbreaks in Africa.
The Ebola virus is the deadliest and without treatment, up to 90% of cases are fatal. It caused the 2014–2016 outbreak in West Africa, the largest Ebola disease outbreak to date, with more than 28,600 cases reported. It was also associated with a 2018–2020 outbreak in the DRC, during which a small number of cases were reported across the border in Uganda. Other large outbreaks of Ebola virus have resulted in hundreds of cases in DRC and Gabon. Smaller outbreaks have also occurred in DRC, Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, and South Africa.
The Sudan virus causes death in about 50% of people who get sick with the disease. This virus caused several outbreaks in Uganda and near the border between South Sudan and DRC.
The Bundibugyo virus is the most recently discovered type of orthoebolavirus. It was discovered in 2007 and causes death in about 30% of people who contract it. It was associated with two large outbreaks, one in DRC and the other on the border of DRC and Uganda.
Taï Forest virus is a rarer cause of disease. It has only been known to infect one person, in Côte d'Ivoire in 1994.
Cases and Outbreaks of Ebola Disease by Year
- Species: Sudan ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 164
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 55 (34%)
On September 20, 2022, the Ministry of Health confirmed an outbreak of Ebola (Sudan virus) in Mubende District, in western Uganda. This announcement came after a patient with a suspected viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) was identified and isolated at Mubende Regional Referral Hospital. A sample from the patient was sent to the VHF laboratory at the Uganda Virus Research Institute, where Ebola disease (species Sudan ebolavirus) was confirmed. This marks the sixth Ebola outbreak in Uganda. Five of the six have been caused by the species Sudan ebolavirus. The outbreak was declared over on January 11, 2023, with 142 confirmed cases (and 22 probable) and 55 confirmed deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 1 (100%)
On August 22, 2022, the Ministry of Health announced an outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in North Kivu Province. This announcement came after a fatal case was discovered in Beni Health Zone, one of the epicenters of DRC’s 10th outbreak in 2018-2020. A specimen was collected and tested positive at the Beni Referral Hospital laboratory and later confirmed at the DRC’s national laboratory in Goma – the Institut National de la Recherche Biomédicale (INRB). The outbreak was declared over on September 27, 2022, with only one confirmed case.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 5
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 5 (100%)
On April 23, the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) declared an outbreak of EVD in Mbandaka city, Equateur Province. This was the 14th EVD outbreak in DRC and marked the third in a series of outbreaks in Equateur province since 2018. Sequencing data from the first confirmed case in this outbreak indicated that this was a new spillover event from an animal to a person and was not directly linked to previous outbreaks. The following four cases were epidemiologically linked, or had known contact with an EVD patient, and were reported from Mbandaka and Wangata health zones. The outbreak was declared over on July 4, 2022.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 11
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 9 (82%)
On October 8, the Ministry of Health in DRC announced an outbreak of EVD in Beni Health Zone, North Kivu Province. Subsequent cases were confirmed in the same health zone and three probable cases were retrospectively identified from September 2021. Sequencing data showed a link to the 2018-2020 outbreak in the same region, suggesting this outbreak was likely caused by a persistent infection in an EVD survivor. This outbreak, the 13th EVD outbreak in DRC, was declared officially over on December 16, 2021, 42 days after the last confirmed patient was released from treatment.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 12
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 6 (50%)
On February 7, 2021, the Ministry of Health (MOH) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) announced that a case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) had been confirmed in Biena Health Zone, North Kivu Province. Subsequent cases were confirmed. North Kivu was previously affected by EVD during the 2018–2020 Ebola outbreak, the largest in DRC’s history, which was declared over on June 25, 2020. Sequencing of samples suggests that cases in this outbreak were linked to cases in the area during the 2018–2020 outbreak and likely resulted from persistent infection in a survivor that led to either a relapse or sexual transmission of the virus. The outbreak was declared over on May 3, 2021.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 23
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 12 (52.2%)
On February 14, 2021, the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Guinea announced that cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) had been confirmed in N’Zérékoré Prefecture, a forested rural region in southeast Guinea. These are the first cases of EVD confirmed in Guinea since the 2014–2016 West Africa outbreak, the largest in history, was declared over. Sequencing of samples from the outbreak was conducted and compared to sequences from cases during the 2014–2016 West Africa outbreak. While researchers cannot definitively determine the cause of the outbreak, findings strongly support the conclusion that the outbreak was likely caused by a persistent source of infection (i.e. a survivor) and not a new introduction of the virus from the animal reservoir. The outbreak was declared over on June 19, 2021.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 130
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 55 (42.3%)
The DRC government declared a new Ebola outbreak in Mbandaka, Équateur Province of western DRC on June 1, 2020. International partners, including CDC, provided technical assistance to the DRC government to support response efforts. This was DRC’s 11th Ebola outbreak and distinct from the 10th Ebola outbreak in eastern DRC, which was still ongoing when this one began.
Laboratory sequencing suggests that most cases in this outbreak were likely the result of a new spillover event (i.e. a new introduction of the virus into the community from an animal reservoir) followed by person-to-person spread. Sequencing efforts also identified a few cases which appeared to be linked to the prior Équateur Province outbreak in 2018, possibly due to sexual transmission or relapse of a survivor.
On November 18, 2020, the DRC Ministry of Health and WHO announced the outbreak was over.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 3,470*
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 2,287* (66%)
The DRC government declared its 10th Ebola outbreak on August 1, 2018, in North Kivu province of eastern DRC. Cases were also reported in Ituri and South Kivu provinces, and in Uganda. CDC assisted the DRC government, neighboring countries, and local and international partners to coordinate activities and provide technical guidance related to laboratory testing, contact tracing, infection control, border health screening, data management, risk communication and health education, vaccination, and logistics.
The outbreak was declared over by the World Health Organization (WHO) on June 25, 2020.
*In 2019, four cases confirmed in Uganda were attributed to cross-border movement from DRC and recorded in both countries. These cases died in DRC and are reported in the DRC death count.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 54
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 33 (61%)
The DRC government declared the outbreak in the Bikoro region of Équateur Province in the northwestern part of the country on May 8 after two cases were confirmed by laboratory testing at the Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale in Kinshasa. CDC assisted the DRC government and local and international partners, including the World Health Organization (WHO), as they pursued priority areas of support, including establishing an outbreak response platform; implementing surge support for deployment of personnel, supplies, laboratory materials, operational support, logistics, and transportation; and identifying communication needs to support the partners and the response. On July 24, 2018, WHO declared the end of the ninth outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 8
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 4 (50%)
On May 11, 2017, the Ministry of Public Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo notified international public health agencies of a cluster of suspected cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the Likati health zone of the province of Bas Uélé. The first report mentioned eight suspected cases, including two deaths, with a third death reported on May 12. Testing of samples was conducted by the Institut National de Recherche Biomedicale (INRB) in Kinshasa, with two samples testing positive for Ebola Zaire. Teams from international agencies, including CDC, WHO, MSF (Doctors without Borders), and others, supported the Ministry of Public Health’s epidemiologic, diagnostic, clinical, and communications efforts to respond to the outbreak. The response faced challenging logistical obstacles, including the remoteness of the area and limited services. Mobile diagnostic laboratories provided testing of samples in the affected areas. Following a period of 42 days since the second negative laboratory diagnostic test of the last confirmed patient, WHO declared an end to the outbreak on July 2, 2017.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 69
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 49 (71%)
The outbreak occurred in multiple villages in the vicinity of Boende town but was limited to the Équateur province in the western part of the country. The Ebola virus variant that caused this outbreak was closely related to the one that caused the 1995 outbreak in Kikwit, indicating that this outbreak was not related to the large outbreak happening at the same time in West Africa.
Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone (West African Epidemic)
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number cases: 28,610
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 11,308 (39%)
The West African Ebola epidemic was the largest in history. It started with cases of EVD in the forested rural region of southeastern Guinea, reported by WHO on March 23, 2014. Soon, cases were discovered in Liberia and Sierra Leone, which border Guinea. Identification of cases was difficult because of weak surveillance and fragile public health infrastructure. Poor infection control measures and strained health care systems also contributed to the devastation of this outbreak. By August 2014, WHO declared the situation a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). CDC collaborated with other U.S. government agencies, Ministries of Health of the affected countries, WHO, and national and international partners in the intensive effort to end the epidemic. The outbreak was declared over in June 2016.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths: 0
During the West African Ebola epidemic, an Italian healthcare worker who had volunteered in an Ebola Treatment Unit in Sierra Leone developed symptoms of EVD 72 hours after returning to Rome. The patient had no symptoms while in flight, so other airline passengers were not at risk. The healthcare workers treating the patient were adequately protected and carefully monitored. There were no additional cases in Italy.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 8
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 6 (75%)
During the West African Ebola epidemic, an infected traveler from Guinea brought EVD into Mali. Immediate identification and monitoring of all the contacts of infected people successfully prevented a broader outbreak.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 20
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 8 (40%)
During the West African Ebola epidemic, an infected person traveling from Monrovia, Liberia brought EVD into Lagos, Nigeria. Unprotected responders were subsequently infected. Fearing a rapid spread within Africa’s most populated city, emergency response efforts focused on quickly establishing an Ebola Treatment Unit, training caregivers, and identifying all contacts for each case of EVD. As a result of this rapid response, the outbreak was confined to two cities, and additional spread of the Ebola virus through Nigeria and into other areas in Africa was prevented.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of fatal cases: 0
During the West African Ebola epidemic, an infected traveler brought EVD into Senegal. Immediate identification and monitoring of all the contacts of the infected person successfully prevented a broader outbreak and no additional cases occurred in Senegal.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths: 0
This was the first case of human-to-human transmission outside of Africa during the West African Ebola epidemic. A healthcare worker in Spain was infected with Ebola virus while treating a patient recently evacuated from Sierra Leone. The patient later died. The healthcare worker was monitored for signs of EVD and treated in isolation at the start of a fever. Contacts of the healthcare worker and other hospital staff were also monitored. The healthcare worker recovered and there were no other cases reported in Spain.
United Kingdom
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 0 (0%)
During the West Africa epidemic, a healthcare worker returning to the UK after volunteering in an Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone became symptomatic upon arrival in the UK. The case was treated in strict isolation and a range of public health measures were implemented by UK authorities. This was the first case of Zaire ebolavirus to be detected in the UK.
United States
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 4
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 1 (25%)
During the West African Ebola outbreak, 11 people were treated for EVD in the U.S., two of whom died. The majority were infected with the Ebola virus outside of the U.S. and either medically evacuated into the U.S. for treatment or entered the country as a regular airline passenger. Two nurses who cared for a sick Ebola patient contracted EVD, marking the first known transmission of EVD in the United States. Both recovered. CDC collaborated with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security, and state and local public health departments to screen travelers returning from Ebola-affected countries, provide safe transport for patients being assessed for EVD, and strengthen preparedness and infection control in hospitals.
- Species: Sudan ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 6*
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 3* (50%)
The outbreak occurred in November in the Luwero, Jinja, and Nakasongola districts. Through a collaboration established in 2010, CDC provided assistance to the Uganda Ministry of Health and Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) laboratory throughout the outbreak.
* Numbers reflect laboratory-confirmed cases only
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Bundibugyo ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 38*
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 13* (34%)
The outbreak occurred in the Orientale province in the northeast of the country. CDC and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) provided laboratory support through a field laboratory in Isiro Health Zone, as well as through the CDC/UVRI (Uganda Virus Research Institute) laboratory in Uganda. This outbreak in DRC had no epidemiologic link to the Ebola outbreak occurring in the Kibaale district of Uganda at the same time.
* Numbers reflect laboratory-confirmed cases only
- Species: Sudan ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 11*
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 4* (36%)
The outbreak occurred in June in Kibaale District. Laboratory tests of blood samples were conducted by Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) and CDC
* Numbers reflect laboratory-confirmed cases only
- Species: Sudan ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 1 (100%)
The Uganda Ministry of Health informed the public that a patient with suspected EVD died on May 6, 2011, in the Luwero district. Quick diagnosis of Ebola virus from a blood sample was provided by the newly established CDC Viral Hemorrhagic Fever laboratory at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI). Factors that helped stop the spread of the Ebola virus and limit the size of this outbreak included: 1) a high suspicion of hemorrhagic fever by clinical staff at the outset, 2) the correct use of personal protective equipment and barrier methods to protect hospital staff, and 3) the ability to rapidly confirm Ebola virus through laboratory testing in-country.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 32
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 15 (47%)
The outbreak occurred in the Mweka and Luebo health zones in the Kasai Occidental province. A number of international partners were involved in the response to this outbreak.
The Philippines
- Species: Reston ebolavirus (does not cause illness in people)
- Reported number of cases: 6 (asymptomatic)
- Reported number of deaths: 0
This was the first known occurrence of Ebola-Reston virus in pigs. The virus strain was similar to earlier strains. Six workers from a pig farm and slaughterhouse developed antibodies against the virus but did not become sick.
- Species: Bundibugyo ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 131
- Reported number of deaths and percentage fatal cases: 42 (32%)
The outbreak occurred in the Bundibugyo district. This is the first reported occurrence of a new Ebola virus strain. This novel strain appeared similar to other related viruses. However, the case fatality rate was below 50% in this outbreak, compared to 80–90% found in earlier outbreaks caused by other Ebola virus strains, like Zaire ebolavirus.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 264
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 187 (71%)
The outbreak was declared in mid-September in Luebo and Mweke health zones in the Kasai Occidental Province. Radio broadcasts were used to deliver accurate and timely messages to the local population about EVD spread and prevention. The last confirmed case was on October 4 and the outbreak was declared over November 20.
The Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 12
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 10 (83%)
Two hunters (index patients) died in Etoumbi Medical Center in April 2005. A response team led by the Ministry of Health was rapidly sent to the site. Most cases were hunters, patient caretakers, or funeral attendees.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 1(100%)
A Russian laboratory worker was injected with the virus accidentally while working on an Ebola vaccine and later died.
- Species: Sudan ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 17
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 7 (41%)
The outbreak occurred in Yambio County at the same time as an outbreak of measles in the same area. Several suspected cases of EVD were later reclassified as measles cases.
The Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 35
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 29 (83%)
The outbreak occurred in Mbomo district in the Cuvette Ouest Département found in the western part of the country. Community mobilization activities were carried out with meetings held specifically for women in local villages, as they are usually the primary caretaker for patients in their families and communities.
The Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 143
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 128 (89%)
The outbreak occurred in Mbomo and Kéllé districts in the Cuvette Ouest Département in the western part of the country. Introduction of the virus into the population occurred after hunters reported close contact with wildlife that was killed or found dead. Direct contact with an infected person, particularly a family member, was the main mode of transmission, with very little spread of the virus within the healthcare setting.
The Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 59
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 44 (75%)
The first time EVD was reported in the Republic of the Congo. The outbreak occurred over the border of Gabon and the Republic of the Congo. In the Republic of the Congo, the affected areas included Mbomo and Kéllé districts in the Cuvette Ouest Département located in the western part of the country. The first human cases were associated with hunting and contact with wildlife in the surrounding area.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 65
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 53 (81%)
The outbreak occurred over the border of Gabon and the Republic of the Congo. In Gabon, the affected areas included La Zadié, Ivindo, and Mpassa districts. An abnormal amount of animals, mostly nonhuman primates, were found dead in the area. The first human cases were associated with hunting and contact with wildlife in the surrounding area.
- Species: Sudan ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 425
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 224 (53%)
The outbreak started in Gulu and later spread to Masindi and Mbarara districts. Community action and local government support were critical in controlling this outbreak. As gleaned from previous epidemics, providing correct and timely messaging about the disease was important to limit the spread of harmful rumors.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 1 (100%)
A Russian laboratory worker was infected with the Ebola virus while working on an experimental treatment for Ebola.
The Philippines
- Species: Reston ebolavirus (does not cause illness in people)
- Reported number of cases: 0
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 0
Ebola-Reston virus was identified in a monkey export facility in the Philippines. No human infections were identified.
United States
- Species: Reston ebolavirus (does not cause illness in people)
- Reported number of cases: 0
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 0
Ebola-Reston virus was introduced into a quarantine facility in Texas by monkeys imported from the Philippines. No human infections were identified.
South Africa
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 2
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 1 (50%)
A medical professional traveled from Gabon to Johannesburg, South Africa, after becoming exposed to the virus while treating Ebola-infected patients. He was hospitalized and recovered. A nurse treating him became infected and died.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 60
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 45 (75%)
The outbreak occurred in Booué in the fall. The first case was a hunter living in a logging camp who spread the virus to others. There were reports of several dead chimpanzees in the area. Testing of a skin sample obtained from one of the chimpanzees confirmed the animal was infected with Ebola virus.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 31
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 21 (68%)
The outbreak occurred in the spring in the village of Mayibout 2, located 0.62 miles (1 Km) from Mayibout 1 near the Ivindo River, about 40 km from the site of the 1994 outbreak. The body of a dead chimpanzee found in the forest was consumed by hunters. Eighteen people involved in the butchering of the animal became ill and other cases occurred in family members.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 315
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 254 (81%)
The outbreak occurred in Kikwit and surrounding areas and began with a charcoal maker in the forested areas near the city. The epidemic spread through families and hospitals. Transmission in the healthcare setting was halted almost immediately once proper protective measures were taken, such as the use of face masks, gloves, and gowns for healthcare personnel.
Cote d’Ivoire
- Species: Taï Forest ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths: 0
High mortality in the chimpanzee population in the Taï Forest was reported. A scientist became ill after conducting an autopsy on a wild chimpanzee. Diagnostic testing suggested a new strain of Ebola. The patient was treated in Switzerland and recovered.
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 51
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 31 (61%)
The outbreak occurred in several gold mining villages deep in the rainforest around Makakou. It was initially believed to be yellow fever, but some of the characteristics of the outbreak were not typical for yellow fever. In 1995, researchers retrospectively discovered that Ebola virus was involved at the same time.
- Species: Reston ebolavirus (does not cause illness in people)
- Reported number of cases: 0
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 0
Ebola-Reston virus was introduced into quarantine facilities in Sienna by monkeys imported from the same export facility in the Philippines that was involved in the episodes in the United States. People were not infected.
The Philippines
- Species: Reston ebolavirus (does not cause illness in people)
- Reported number of cases: 3 (asymptomatic)
- Reported number of deaths: 0
High mortality among Cynomolgus macaques was discovered in a primate facility responsible for exporting animals to the United States. Three workers in the animal facility developed antibodies but never experienced symptoms of Ebola Virus Disease.
United States
- Species: Reston ebolavirus (does not cause illness in people)
- Reported number of cases: 4 (asymptomatic)
- Reported number and percentage of deaths among cases: 0
Ebola-Reston virus was introduced into primate-holding facilities in Reston, Virginia; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Alice, Texas by monkeys imported from the Philippines. Four people developed antibodies but never experienced symptoms of Ebola virus disease.
- Species: Sudan ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 34
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 22 (65%)
The outbreak occurred in the towns of Nzara and Yambio, the same area affected by the 1976 Sudan epidemic. The index patient in this outbreak worked at the textile factory implicated as the source of the first outbreak in Sudan. Absentee and illness records for employees indicated that the factory was not the source of infection for this outbreak.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 1 (100%)
Case was noted retrospectively in the village of Tandala. This case had no known connection to the original Ebola outbreak in 1976, suggesting Ebola virus is enzootic in the area.
United Kingdom
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 1
- Reported number of deaths: 0
This case was a laboratory infection by accidental inoculation from a contaminated needle.
- Species: Sudan ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 284
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 151 (53%)
The outbreak occurred in the towns of Nzara, Maridi, and surrounding areas. The outbreak is believed to have started with workers in a cotton factory where 37% of workers in the cloth room were infected. The virus spread mainly through close personal contact within hospitals. Many healthcare personnel were infected.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Species: Zaire ebolavirus
- Reported number of cases: 318
- Reported number of deaths and percentage of fatal cases: 280 (88%)
This outbreak was the first recognition of Ebola Virus Disease. It occurred in the Équateur province, with most cases occurring within 70 km of Yambuku village. The index case was treated at the Yambuku Mission Hospital with an injection for possible malaria. Subsequent transmission followed through use of contaminated needles and syringes at the hospital and clinics in the area and close personal contact. There were only 38 serologically confirmed survivors.
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