Key points
- CDC's Native Diabetes Wellness Program (NDWP) helps improve the health of American Indian and Alaska Native people.
- Learn more about NDWP.

NDWP is part of CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT). The program goals include:
- Sharing messages, stories, and art about traditional ways of health. These are remembered, retold, and talked about where people live, work, and play.
- Supporting sustainable ways to promote health through traditional foods, physical activity and social support.
The NDWP works with CDC networks to develop programs for improving the health status of American Indian and Alaska Native people. Collaborative partners have included:
- American Indian and Alaska Native communities (rural and urban).
- National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
- National Institutes of Health.
- Indian Health Service Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention.
- Tribal colleges and universities.
The NDWP offers wellness tools including the Eagle Books. These are a set of books and tools to help educate children about wellness and type 2 diabetes prevention.
It also offers information on traditional foods to promote health through tradition.
Principles of practice
- Consult tribal leadership and tribal members.
- Honor the federal responsibility to tribal nations.
- Respect and incorporate Native American science.
- Share a vision of hope.
- Honor the power of storytelling.
- Establish direct relationships with tribal nations.
- Respect the power of words—keep our word.
- Seek reciprocity and balance.
- Be grateful for our work.
- Reflect critically and deeply.
- Be accountable for our actions.
- Assure that the stories are owned by the people.