Prevalence Data & Data Analysis Tools

Find city and county data collected through the Selected Metropolitan/Micropolitan Area Risk Trends (SMART) project, the Web Enabled Analysis Tool (WEAT), interactive maps, and other resources provided through BRFSS.
Using the Prevalence and Trends Data Tools, users may produce charts for individual states or the nation by health topic. Users may select specific years or request multiple year data. The Prevalence and Trend Data Tools will produce line graphs for multiple years and bar charts for single years for each selected indicator.
The Web Enabled Analysis Tool (WEAT) permits users to create custom crosstabulation tables for health indicators within selected states. Up to two control variables may be included to create crosstab tables within each category of control variables. WEAT also may be used to create logistic equations using BRFSS data. Users are prompted to make selections of year, state and variables to be included in the analyses.
Each year the BRFSS publishes prevalence estimates in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) for multiple indicators by state and some sub-state areas. The prevalence estimates are presented in comparison tables for each geographic area included in SMART BRFSS as well as for each state individually.
Selected Metropolitan/Micropolitan Area Risk Trends (SMART) is an ongoing project that uses BRFSS data to produce some local area estimates. Counties and Metropolitan/Micropolitan Areas (MMSAs) were selected for SMART if there were 500 or more respondents BRFSS combined landline and cell phone data for any year.
The Chronic Disease Indicators Tool allows users to select two or more geographic areas such as states, Metropolitan/Micropolitan Areas (MMSAs), or regions within states. The tool then creates a table illustrating differences on user selected health indicators by geographic area. Chronic conditions and health risk behaviors may be selected for inclusion in customized tables.
Use BRFSS industry and occupation data to create charts on chronic conditions, health behaviors, health status, healthcare issues, and musculoskeletal health.