At a glance
A strategic plan for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) sets priorities for public health action in states, local areas, and tribes. This page highlights the states and jurisdictions that have ADRD strategic plans in place.

Overview of strategic plans
CDC supports state, local, and tribal public health agencies and their partners in the development and revision of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) strategic plans.
- These plans are created through a jurisdiction-wide, comprehensive, and collaborative effort that includes a variety of organizations interested in dementia.
- Plans include supportive, population-based, and data-informed policies, systems, and environmental changes that address identified needs for widespread impact.
See the jurisdictions developing, updating, or implementing their ADRD plans through BOLD Public Health Programs to Address ADRD.
State and jurisdiction plans
To download an ADRD plan:
- States: Click on a state or select a state from the drop-down menu under "Select an item" and click "Go."
- Jurisdictions: Select a jurisdiction or use the drop-down menu under "Select an item" and click "Go."
- States or jurisdictions without an identified ADRD plan are shaded in gray and will not appear in the drop-down menu.
- Click here to submit new or updated state and jurisdiction plans.