At a glance
- CDC's National Healthy Brain Initiative (NHBI) seeks to improve our understanding of brain health as a central part of public health practice.
- It offers the NHBI Road Map to promote engagement and action for addressing brain health nationwide.
- CDC funds four recipients to advance the NHBI Road Map and its action agenda under two components, described below.

The NHBI recognizes outstanding efforts in promoting brain health and addressing cognitive impairment.
In 2020, CDC began funding NHBI award recipients (CDC-RFA-DP20-2003). These recipients have a national scope and reach. Each recipient focuses on a specific population with a high burden of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. There are two components, A and B, awarded. Award recipients are funded through fiscal year 2025.
NHBI Component A:
This award supports a recipient with national scope and reach to implement and evaluate the NHBI's Road Map Series and the development of future Road Maps.
- Recipient: Alzheimer's Association
NHBI Component B:
Recipients of this award support populations with a high burden of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias to develop and implement public health strategies guided by the HBI Road Map Series.
- International Association for Indigenous Aging
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- UsAgainstAlzheimer’s
Current NHBI recipient activities include:
- Creating informational resources for the public and public health agencies.
- Engaging state and local partners to adopt HBI Road Map action items.
- Developing training materials for current and future professionals.
- Disseminating effective messages related to brain health.