What to know
This module introduces MicrobeTrace, an interactive tool for transmission network analysis using SARS-CoV-2 sequencing and contact tracing data.

Presenter: Ellsworth Campbell, MS | Computational Biologist, CDC
Download Presentation Slides [PDF - 31 slides]
Updated 9-13-21 – New slides 22 and 23 include additional information on MicrobeTrace settings for Nextstrain trees.
Additional Resources
- MicrobeTrace documentation. CDC, updated 2020.
- MicrobeTrace: Retooling molecular epidemiology for rapid public health response. Campbell, et al. bioRxiv, 2020.
- Participation in fraternity and sorority activities and the spread of COVID-19 among residential university communities — Arkansas, August 21–September 5, 2020. Vang, et al. MMWR, 2021.