This page consists of a list of select national health observances related to women’s health. Explore the links below to learn how to support a healthy lifestyle for you, your family, and your community.
Select Health Observances, 2024
- Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
- National Stalking Awareness Month
- National Birth Defects Awareness Month
- National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
- Women and Heart Disease
- Lower Your Risk for the Number 1 Killer of Women
- Million Hearts
- National Wear Red Day – 2/2
- National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - 2/7
- National Eating Disorders Awareness Week - 2/26 - 3/1
- National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - 3/10
- National Endometriosis Awareness Month
- Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
- STD Awareness Month
- Sexual Violence Awareness
- National Infertility Awareness Week - 4/21 – 4/27
- Women's Eye and Safety Month
- Black Maternal Health Week – 4/11 – 4/17
- American Stroke Awareness Month
- Lupus Awareness Month
- National Arthritis Awareness Month
- National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month
- National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
- National Women's Health Week - 5/12 – 5/15
- Fibromyalgia Awareness Day – 5/12
- Menstrual Hygiene Day – 5/28
- World No Tobacco Day – 5/31
- Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
- Healthy Aging Month
- National Preparedness Month
- National Sexual Health Awareness Month
- National Sickle Cell Month
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Awareness Month
- National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
- National Suicide Prevention Week - 9/8 – 9/14
- World Suicide Prevention Day – 9/10
- Folic Acid Awareness Week - 9/8 – 9/14
- Falls Prevention Week – 9/22
- National Women's Health and Fitness Day – 9/25
- World Heart Day – 9/29
- National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Health Literacy Month
- Mental Illness Awareness Week - 10/6 -10/12
- National Depression Screening Day – 10/10
- World Mental Health Day – 10/10
- International Day of the Girl – 10/11
- Bone and Joint Health National Action Week - 10/12 – 10/20
- National Mammography Day – 10/18
- Lung Cancer Awareness Month
- National Family Caregivers Month
- American Diabetes Month
- National Family Health History Day – 11/28
- National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month
- Minorities and Women Are at Greater Risk for Alzheimer's Disease