At a glance
Share your program's success with leadership and let WIC staff know how they are doing. Explore the below options for celebrating participating agencies and clinics.

Setting up and implementing your checklist program for WIC takes time and dedication. Celebrate the achievements of participating agencies and clinics!
Share your success
After a few months, you're likely to have success with enrollment and implementation. In a few more months, your clinics will be providing developmental monitoring at certification and mid-certification visits. Share your successes with your leadership and those implementing the program. Share it broadly across WIC agencies in your state. Additional WIC agencies and clinics may choose to join efforts if they see momentum in clinic enrollment.
Let leadership know that developmental monitoring can make a real difference for WIC clients. Share your program success with leadership in your agency and beyond:
- Highlight stories from your families
- Use maps to show how agency and clinic participation has increased over time
- Try to get local media to do a story on the program
WIC agencies and staff
WIC staff will want to know how they are doing. Information from tracking activities should be shared at the agency and clinic levels on a routine basis.
Recognize and celebrate
WIC agencies and staff
You will have agencies and staff that embrace the Developmental Milestone Checklist Program and have great success. Success is likely to energize folks to even greater success and encourage other clinics to participate. Find ways to recognize your participating agencies and clinics by:
- Posting success stories in newsletters, on websites, and promote on social media.
- Including program successes in presentations at local, regional, or national meetings.
- Giving recognition at state, district or agency meetings.