At a glance
Having program materials organized and readily available will help support WIC staff in implementing the Developmental Milestone Checklist Program for WIC. Use the below tips for ideas on how to get organized.

Clinics will need to organize the checklists and other materials so they are readily available to WIC staff. This example is based on the Missouri WIC Developmental Milestones Program.
Every WIC staff member who will be administering milestone checklists should have a "toolkit" of materials near their desk. Having the checklists right at WIC staff fingertips is important to integrating the program into the clinic flow.
- Have all of your materials in hand
- Adequate supplies of all checklists in English and Spanish. If you need checklists in additional languages, please contact CDC at
- Deskside Reference Guide and any other state- or clinic-specific implementation guides for all WIC staff administering the checklists to keep at their desks or with the milestone checklists. You will need one folder for the Deskside Reference Guide [179 KB, 2 Pages, 508] and any other state or clinic-specific implementation guides provided for your reference. You will need at least 18 hanging folders, half in one color for English and half in another color for Spanish. You will need additional folders in other colors if you will be offering checklists in additional languages.
- Keep a physical or electronic copy of the Developmental Monitoring: Getting the Conversation Started talking points available for WIC staff to reference while talking with families.
- Adequate supplies of all checklists in English and Spanish. If you need checklists in additional languages, please contact CDC at
- Organize in file drawers or in file boxes
- Decide if you will organize the milestone checklists in file drawers at WIC staff desks or in file boxes.
- Print file tabs for each folder.
- Decide if you will organize the milestone checklists in file drawers at WIC staff desks or in file boxes.