Continue the World TB Day Momentum
Keep your momentum going after World TB Day. Each of us can make a difference. This section describes some steps you can take going forward. Use CDC’s toolkit and resources year-round to help with your communication activities, including other observances.
Express your appreciation for World TB Day support
- Send a short email to thank those you work with regularly.
- Consider a handwritten note to thank those who did a lot, especially if you do not regularly work with them.
Share your World TB Day results
- Summarize your World TB Day activities and include any impacts or metrics resulting from your actions.
- Link to information from CDC’s domestic and international TB partners, including the National TB Controllers Association, Stop TB USA, We Are TB, the TB Elimination Alliance, and the global Stop TB Partnership.
- If appropriate, include a request for follow-up action.
Encourage others to stay informed
- Subscribe to get updates from CDC.
- Join the Find TB Resources newsletter to stay up-to-date on new resources, training, and educational materials.
- Connect with CDC TB on Facebook and Twitter for credible news and updates on TB.
- Find out about current and upcoming TB-related events through the Division of TB Elimination.
- Expand targeted testing and treatment of latent TB infection.
- Use newer TB blood tests to screen for latent TB infection and prescribe newer shorter treatments for latent TB infection to prevent the development of TB disease.
- Continue to “Think TB”. Check out CDC’s new resources about TB disease and latent TB infection for the most recent guidance and information:
- Expand TB education and outreach to healthcare providers, healthcare agencies, and community organizations.
- Conduct outreach to communities most affected by TB and implement strategies to ensure access to care for all
- Syndicate CDC content in English and Spanish to get site updates automatically.
- Incorporate digital resources throughout your website and digital channels.
- Find out if they need to be tested for TB infection.
- Learn about TB to better understand the disease.
- Understand that anyone can get TB, and it is still a life-threatening problem in the nation. Watch TB personal stories – a video series highlighting the personal experiences of several people diagnosed and treated for TB disease and the work of TB control professionals.