What to know
Did you know that CDC has free tuberculosis (TB) education materials available to order within the United States? Follow the steps on this page to order TB materials.
Step 1: Visit the CDC On Demand website
CDC Publications On Demand allows people in the United States to order printed copies of TB materials such as:
- Fact sheets,
- Posters,
- Booklets,
- Training resources, and
- Other educational materials.
Step 2: Search available materials and add selected items to your cart
If you are looking for specific materials, enter your search terms in "Search Publications."

To view all available TB materials, select "Tuberculosis (TB)" under the "Topic" drop down menu.

To view TB materials by program, use the "Program" drop down menu to select
- "Tuberculosis - For Health Care Providers" or
- "Tuberculosis - For Patients and the General Public."

Step 3: Check out
Once satisfied with all of the requested materials, click "My Cart" in the upper right corner of the page.
From the "My Cart" page, you can
- See all selected materials,
- Update your order quantity,
- Continue shopping, or
- Proceed to checkout.

What if I cannot find the material I am looking for?
Not all TB education materials are available to order printed copies through CDC On Demand. Materials may be available for download on the CDC website.
Please use TB skin test rulers wisely.
If the CDC On Demand website does not list TB rulers, they may be out of stock.
Rulers for TB skin tests are difficult to order. They are not a single use item, please conserve and use wisely.
General Public Communication and Education Resources
Health Care Provider Communication and Education Resources