The purpose of this tool is to assist state and local tuberculosis (TB) programs with selecting focus areas for evaluation and program improvement.

- The National TB Indicators Project (NTIP) displays your jurisdiction's data in a way that allows easy performance monitoring and assessment of progress in meeting the National TB Program Objectives and Performance Targets.
- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound (SMART) objectives, performance targets, and indicators in NTIP can be used as part of your program evaluation plan.
- Published State and City TB Reports help you assess if other jurisdictions are obtaining similar percentages for certain TB program indicators.
The NTIP indicator summary report, NTIP indicator report, and NTIP line lists are available through the NTIP web application. These items can help you identify problem areas. Program evaluation can help you determine why these problems have occurred. With this information, you can develop specific activities for improving your jurisdiction's TB program performance.
Steps to Help You Identify a Focus Area
Need more guidance?
The indicator summary report provides information about your jurisdiction's progress in meeting each National Performance Target.
- Review the trends for your program indicators to determine if performance is improving, staying the same, or getting worse.
- Identify specific indicators your program could improve.
Generate the indicator reports in NTIP to dive deeper into your jurisdiction's performance on the identified indicators. Reviewing NTIP reports can reveal specific areas for further investigation.
NTIP indicator reports include SMART objectives that directly relate to the National TB Program Objectives and Performance Targets. NTIP reports also provide the indicator's definition, data sources, and calculations.
- The table beneath the graph in each NTIP indicator report tells you the number of cases that were used in the numerator and denominator for calculating the percentage associated with each indicator.
- NTIP reports provide details about your jurisdiction's performance over the last five years, including summary tables of your jurisdiction's:
- Cases for each objective's cohort
- Cases that met the objective
- Cases for each objective's cohort
The NTIP line list tells you the cases and specific variables for each case that were used in the indicator report (if line list data for the identified indicator is available). With the NTIP line list, you can:
- Review which patients were part of the indicator cohort for your specific indicator of interest.
- Determine exactly why patients who were part of the eligible indicator cohort did not meet the objective.
- Compare to your jurisdiction's data to reveal potential issues with data collection or submission.
The State and City Report shows selected indicator performance across 50 states and 9 cities.
- Identify other similarly sized jurisdictions and compare their indicator performance with your jurisdiction.
- Consider contacting them to discuss their approaches to improving indicator performance.
- Review the available information in NTIP and your jurisdiction with program evaluation staff, leaders, and other staff as needed. Then, prioritize the evaluation focus area(s).
- Narrow down potential focus areas after reviewing the NTIP indicator summary report and specific indicator reports (steps 1 and 2).
- Look closely into the details of the data using the NTIP line list (step 3). Determine if specific cases truly did not meet the objectives or if performance is lacking due to errors in the data.
- Review the State and City TB Report (step 4). Identify other jurisdictions with similar case counts as your jurisdiction to determine if the objective is achievable. Contact and consult similar jurisdictions as you develop your evaluation plan.
- Narrow down potential focus areas after reviewing the NTIP indicator summary report and specific indicator reports (steps 1 and 2).
Focus your evaluation using a method that is informative and considerate of your program's processes, priorities, and capacity. Developing an evaluation plan that addresses your program’s current needs will help build support to effectively implement the evaluation activities.
Use evaluation findings to understand your program’s current performance The findings can inform a remediation or action plan to improve your program's performance in this area.
Definitions for Key Terms
Indicator – measures developed to assess progress toward the National TB Program Objectives.
Indicator Cohort – the total number of patients who are eligible to meet the performance objective for an indicator.
National TB Indicators Project (NTIP) – a web-based performance-monitoring tool that tracks your jurisdiction's progress toward national TB program objectives.
National TB Program Objective – the long-term expectation for TB program outcomes.
National TB Performance Target – the quantitative goal for TB program outcomes.
SMART Objective (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) – statements that describe the results you want to achieve and how you will achieve them.