What to know
Emergencies and disasters can make efforts to help TB patients continue their treatment difficult. TB programs work to ensure that people who are receiving treatment for TB are able to continue their treatment, even during an emergency or disaster.

The importance of TB treatment
TB programs help patients continue treatment.
It is very important that people who have tuberculosis (TB) disease receive treatment, take the medicine exactly as prescribed by their health care provider, and finish the medicine. If they stop taking the medicine too soon, they can become sick again.
If they do not take the medicine correctly, the TB bacteria that are still alive may become resistant to those drugs.
TB that is resistant to drugs is harder to treat.
TB program preparedness
TB programs can help people who are receiving treatment for TB are able to continue their treatment, even if they are displaced temporarily or permanently by an emergency or disaster or if an emergency or disaster impacts routine health care services.
Ensuring continuity of TB treatment during emergencies and disasters should be included as part of public health emergency preparedness planning. In the event of an emergency or disaster, TB programs should:
- Make sure contact information for patients is current, and staff can reach patients with updates and information, even if patients evacuate to other locations.
- Provide contact information of TB program personnel to patients.
- Communicate and changes or updates in service to community partners.
- Consider providing additional medications to patients if health department operations are likely to be affected.
- If policies and procedures are in place, consider alternative treatment delivery methods, such as video directly observed therapy (vDOT).
Preventing TB transmission in shelters
In response to an emergency or disaster, communities may open emergency or temporary shelters. Existing shelters may also expand their hours. Shelter managers, staff, and clients should be aware of TB and ways to prevent TB transmission.
The following messages may be helpful reminders for organizations and agencies involved in sheltering activities.
- TB is spread through the air from one person to another.
- The TB germs are put into the air when a person with active TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs, speaks, or sings.
- Symptoms of TB disease may include a cough that last 3 weeks or longer, chest pain, weight loss, and night sweats.
- If anyone in your shelter has symptoms of TB disease, contact the state or local TB program immediately. If possible, use respiratory control measures to reduce the risk of transmission.
- Encourage all shelter staff, volunteers, or clients who are coughing to wear a mask.
- Provide disposable paper or cloth surgical masks to anyone with symtpoms of TB disease.
- Separate people who are coughing until they can receive medical evaluation to rule out TB disease.
- Encourage staff and volunteers who are coughing to stay home.
- Facilities should consult with their local health department about the necessity and frequency of TB screening for staff, volunteers, and clients.