What to know
These resources can help you upgrade your website with syndicated content and more to address sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention. Resources include customizable infographics, prevention success stories. fact sheets, and widgets.

STI Prevention Success Stories – Share these stories with leaders in your community to spread the word: STI prevention works!
Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) Infographic – A brief overview of EPT, which is where a person diagnosed with an STI may be able to get treatment for their partner, too.
State of STIs Infographic (national and customizable) – An infographic that highlights statistics for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, as well as the most affected populations, the consequences of untreated infections, and ways to prevent them. Includes both a national version and a customizable version to add state or local data.
CDC Fact Sheets – Basic, disease-specific fact sheets in English and Spanish that can be syndicated to your website. Detailed fact sheets with more in-depth information also available.
Widgets – Add these widgets to your website to help visitors locate STI testing. Choose one that will resonate with your specific audience, or create our own using the customizable widget available from the bottom of the webpage.