What to know
These resources may be useful for brushing up on case management, increasing culture competency, and making sure you have the tools to advocate for patients with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities. CE credits available for some trainings.

The California Prevention Training Center – Trainings on topics such as developing cultural humility and social determinants of health.
Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence – NCCC provides online trainings, publications, products, and many other resources on cultural and linguistic competency.
National STD Curriculum – An online modular learning experience that helps users learn how to manage sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Free CME/CNE available.
The STD Clinical Consultation Network (STDCCN) – The network can answer questions about the management and treatment of STIs. The service operates five days a week and is free to healthcare providers and clinicians. STDCCN is provided by the National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers.
Compendium of Sexual & Reproductive Health Resources for Healthcare Providers – Created by the National Coalition for Sexual Health (NCSH) to help primary care providers and others improve their clinical skills in this area by compiling existing resources on sexual and reproductive health topics such as webinars, toolkits, self-assessments, and CE opportunities.