What to know
Sexual health is an essential piece of overall health. People who have vaginal, anal, or oral sex can get a sexually transmitted infection (STI). This list of resources has information on STIs, STI testing, and how to protect yourself and your partner(s).

CDC Fact Sheets – Available in disease-specific versions these basic fact sheets answer common questions about STIs. Many are offered in English and Spanish.
CDC Prevention Page – Information about STI prevention, testing, and resources.
Condom Dos & Don'ts – A condom fact sheet that provides information about dual protection for pregnancy prevention.
The Right Way to Use an External Condom – An illustrated page demonstrating the correct way to put on and take off a male (external) condom.
The Right Way to Use an Internal Condom – An illustrated page demonstrating the correct way to insert and remove a female (internal) condom.
How to Use a Dental Dam as a Barrier for Oral Sex – An illustrated page demonstrating how to use a dental dam, as well as a list of dos and don'ts and how to make a dental dam from a condom.
GetTested – A national STI, HIV, and hepatitis testing locator to find nearby free or low-cost testing.
The Lowdown on How to Prevent STDs – An infographic with basic information about prevention in an easy-to-read format.
Five Action Steps to Good Sexual Health – A practical roadmap to good sexual health, including tips and advice, real-life scenarios, conversation starters and more.
HIV Risk Reduction Tool – Use this tool to access tailored information about your risk of getting or transmitting HIV, and how you can reduce your risk.