What to know
It's simple to sign up for CDC's NIPS Listserv. See below for how to subscribe and where to view past webinars.

To subscribe to the NIPS Listserv
Please send an email to list@cdc.gov from the account you wish to use. Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message, type or paste: SUBSCRIBE NATIONAL-INTERNET-PARTNER-SVC [your name] where [your name] is your first and last name.
Past webinars
- Implementing Social Networking Technologies for Partner Services – April 3, 2020
- Quarterly NIPS Webinar March 2023: Congenital Syphilis and HIV Prevention Media Campaigns
- Quarterly NIPS Webinar June 2023 - Congenital Syphilis and EMR Abstraction
- Quarterly NIPS Webinar October 2023: Virtual Partner Services, HIPAA, and Other Considerations