At a glance
- Learn what restricted data are available from the National Survey of Residential Care Facilities.
- Researchers interested in using these data must obtain approval through the NCHS Research Data Center.

Restricted data fields are information that could compromise the confidentiality of survey respondents or institutions or are sensitive by nature. If researchers interested in using data from a survey find that something asked on the survey questionnaire does not have a corresponding variable in the public use data set, that variable may be restricted.
Using restricted variables requires the submission of a research application to the National Center for Health Statistics Research Data Center for access.
The links below take you to information about restricted variables in the 2010 National Survey of Residential Care Facilities (NSRCF). These variables are either not in public use files or are presented in different form in the public use files.
Access the 2010 NSRCF restricted variables by facility or by resident.