What to know
- U.S. Cancer Statistics are the official federal statistics on cancer.
- These statistics combine cancer registry data from CDC's National Program of Cancer Registries and the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program.
- Learn more about U.S. Cancer Statistics data available in the Research Data Center.

The restricted access U.S. Cancer Statistics (USCS) dataset provides researchers access to cancer incidence and population data for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
USCS Data Documentation
Location of access and fees
Location of access
User fees
The standard RDC fees are waived for these data because NPCR has contributed funds to cover them. Please indicate “not applicable – NPCR” on the Funding line in the proposal format.
Your request for access to restricted-use data is captured within the RDC proposal. In the proposal, please thoroughly explain your research need for access to restricted-use variables, your analytic plan, how you intend to report your results, and the exact output you need for your near final product (e.g., paper, journal article, or presentation). All sections of the proposal must be filled-out and clearly stated. Submit your proposal as one document to rdca@cdc.gov.
Proposal amendments, including changes to the research team or minor adjustments to research questions or output, require an updated proposal and full review by Review Committee. Revisions in the proposal must be highlighted; please do not use track changes.
Your request for access to restricted-use data is captured within the RDC proposal.
Confidentiality and disclosure
After the proposal is approved, all members of the research team are required to complete the Confidentiality Training. Please submit your Confidentiality Training certificate and signed, notarized non-disclosure affidavit to your RDC Analyst along with the Data Use Agreement. For more information, see: Confidentiality and Disclosure.
Review output for disclosure risk
All output submitted for a disclosure review must be the near final product and it must match the output described in your approved proposal. We will not review frequency distributions or other large volumes of output. For more information, see: Output Policies and Procedures.