At a glance
- The Review Committee reviews applications for restricted-use data from the Research Data Center (RDC).
- Learn about the Review Committee process and who is involved.
- Know what steps to take if you are asked to revise and resubmit your application.

Review committee process
The Research Data Center (RDC) analyst circulates the application for restricted-use data to the review committee. The review committee includes the data system representative(s) and the confidentiality officer. The review usually takes about 8 to 12 weeks.
Review committee decision
The review committee makes one of three decisions — approve, revise and resubmit, or disapprove.
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) approval reflects the judgment that this research, as described in the application or proposal, is an appropriate use of the requested data. Additionally, the approval reflects that it is feasible to complete the project using the RDC.
Approval does not mean NCHS endorses the merit of the proposed research or its substantive, methodological, theoretical, or policy relevance.
Approval of an application or proposal does not explicitly or implicitly guarantee that all output generated by the researcher will be released. Output that poses a disclosure risk will be suppressed. Output will not be released if it is not described in the approved application.
On approval, you will be asked to complete all required confidentiality paperwork, prepare your dataset with the public use or non-NCHS variables you have selected, and submit payment when invoiced. Once you have completed all requirements and the RDC notifies you that your dataset is built, you may schedule your visit to the RDC.
Project approval lasts for three years. After three years of active use or one year of inactivity, you may be required to submit a new application.
Revise and resubmit
A researcher may be asked to revise and resubmit their application. In this case, the RDC analyst will provide the review committee's feedback to the researcher for application revision. Researchers are encouraged to revise their application immediately upon receipt of comments for the review process to efficiently continue.
The review committee determined your application is not feasible. You will receive a written justification for the disapproval. You may request an appeal through the Standard Application Portal (SAP).
Changes after approval
After an application is approved, any minor changes will require you to update the application. Minor changes include adding a team member, adding a missing variable or modifying output requested. Amended, approved applications require an expediated review.
Major changes to an approved application, such as change in research scope or questions or adding out of scope data, will require you to submit a new application. New applications must go through the full review process.
Your RDC analyst will be able to identify which course of action is best. Note, RDC management fees may be applied to the new application.