What to know
Partnering with an Administrative Partner (AP) can help increase the competitiveness of the health department in applying for and accepting federal funding, and expedite implementation of grant activities. Interested in ways to expedite the federal grant process? An AP may be a solution.

An AP is an organization that supports a governmental entity, like a health department, with processing federal grants and ensuring compliance with requirements. The information below covers some of the most common questions about APs.
Frequently asked questions
A: A functional AP relationship can be a valuable asset to a health department in the following aspects of the grant cycle: applying for and processing federal grants, hiring staff, implementing grant activities, assuring compliance with grant requirements, and submitting reports. A fully-authorized AP can take on some or all of the administrative tasks necessary to obtain and implement federal grants.
A: Regardless of the terms used to identify an AP, OFR requires an AP applicant to submit documentation that establishes the validity of the entity and proves its designation as an authorized representative of the health department. OFR does not have a set list of documents that must be submitted. Documents could include an authorizing statute, an executive designation letter, the AP's articles of incorporation or charter, or a binding agreement with the health department. The documentation should be included with "Other Attachment Forms" when submitting an application via Grants.gov.
A: An AP is created under state, tribal, local, or territorial authority. Depending on the jurisdiction, APs can be established in a variety of ways, including through statutes, contracts, or executive delegations. The circumstances of all jurisdictions are unique; therefore, it is important to consult with business management and legal staff while planning AP activities.
A: Funding amounts will vary for each AP. However, all APs will require startup funds to hire staff, obtain office space, and cover the initial administrative costs necessary to establish the AP.
A: No. However, funds to start an AP may come from a variety of sources, including the state, a regional entity, or a private organization such as a foundation.
A: The first step is to determine legal authority in establishing an AP. The next step should be discussions with health department staff and leadership. Consider including health department programmatic and administrative leadership, advising attorneys, and managers of CDC grants and contracts. Next, consider convening an exploratory group of health department staff and external stakeholders, such as partner academic institutions and others in government who are experienced in administrative and programmatic grant and contract management.
A: APs are sometimes referred to as bona fide agents or fiscal intermediaries. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably with AP. AP is a more descriptive term, however, because APs truly work in partnership with health departments and can address the range of administrative activities necessary to obtain and implement federal grants. Bona fide agents and fiscal intermediaries are organizations designated by the health department as eligible to submit a grant application in lieu of the health department. These organizations may simply apply for the grant and funnel money to the health department, or may undertake more of the grant activities, depending on the local situation.
If applying as a bona fide agent or fiscal intermediary of a state or local government, documentation must be submitted that establishes the validity of the agent. (The term "fiscal intermediary" can be confusing if used to refer to an AP because of the term's use in the Medicaid system. In the Medicaid system, a fiscal intermediary is a type of claims processing and payment organization.)