A Policy-Ready Public Health Guidebook of Strategies and Indicators to Promote Financial Well-Being and Address Financial Strain in Response to COVID-19
ORIGINAL RESEARCH — Volume 20 — February 23, 2023
Financial well-being promotion and financial strain reduction are the core of the framework as the goal and outcome of the initiatives led by governments or organizations. The framework presents 5 domains of initiatives. Entry points for action are linked to each domain. The 17 entry points describe high-impact areas of intervention. The entry points for action are interconnected.
Figure 1.
Action-oriented public health framework on financial well-being and financial strain. Reprinted with permission from: Action-oriented Public Health Framework on Financial Wellbeing and Financial Strain: Executive Summary (25).
A series of boxes describe the methods used to build the Guidebook: a rapid review informed by a realist approach, a review of existing frameworks, and a critical review leading to the development of policy targets, evidence-based strategies, and sample indicators. The next phase was selection of targets, strategies, and indicators. Then, through engagement with and feedback from partners and participants gathered through various modes (questionnaires, workshops, and individual conversations), the Guidebook was assembled and validated. The integrated knowledge approach was used in all development stages.
Figure 2.
Integrated knowledge approach showing the 4 stages in the development of a policy-ready public health guidebook of strategies and indicators to promote financial well-being and address financial strain in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This figure provides a snapshot of 2 pages of the Guidebook. On the left side is the cover page for the domain, Social and Cultural Circumstances. The page on the right illustrates the contents in this domain. The contents are the name of the entry point for action and its definition, targets, strategies, and sample indicators.
Figure 3.
Sample pages from the Guidebook of Strategies and Indicators for Action on Financial Wellbeing & Financial Strain (24), a policy-ready public health guidebook of strategies and indicators to promote financial well-being and address financial strain in response to COVID-19. Reprinted with permission.
This image shows a flowchart to support use of the Guidebook, step by step. Content is divided into 3 stages of initiatives (ie, design, implementation, and assessment or evaluation) and 5 steps (Step 1, domains; Step 2, entry points for action; Step 3, targets; Step 4, strategies; Step 5: indicators).
Figure 4.
Flowchart providing guidance for using the Guidebook of Strategies and Indicators for Action on Financial Wellbeing & Financial Strain (24). Reprinted with permission.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.