Perspectives of Health Care Staff on Predictors of Success in a Food Prescription Program: A Qualitative Study
RESEARCH BRIEF — Volume 20 — January 12, 2023
The 5 types of health care clinics participating in the survey were federally qualified health centers (n = 6), charity clinics (n = 6), health systems (n = 3), a health department (n = 1), and an academic health center (n = 1). The job titles of respondents were population health officer, health informatics specialist, nurse practitioner/director of clinical care, compliance/quality coordinator, dietitian, community engagement manager, population health director, senior director programs in social determinants of health, data analyst, registered nurse/health center manager, community health worker, pharmacist, physician, public health pediatrics manager, medical director, health education specialist, wellness coordinator.
Description of clinics and clinic staff that responded to a survey to assess experience and perceptions of a food prescription program, Food Rx, operated by the Houston Food Bank. The first column lists the 5 types and number of clinics that participated in the survey. The second column lists the 17 job titles of respondents. Houston, Texas, May 2018 to March 2021.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.