Secular Trends in Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Adults, Teens, and Children: The California Health Interview Survey, 2011–2018
RESEARCH BRIEF — Volume 18 — February 18, 2021
The Figure shows prevalence in annual estimated consumption (the proportion of consuming any beverage in a given period) and annual estimated consumption frequency (the number of times consuming in a given period), as data were available. In brief, soda consumption prevalence and consumption frequency decreased for all age groups. Fruit or sport drink consumption frequency and prevalence decreased for teens, but fruit drink consumption frequency and prevalence increased for adults and children.
Trends in proportion of Californians consuming various beverages and the amount consumed from 2011 through 2018, by age group and beverage type, California Health Interview Survey, 2011–2018. Trends of soda and fruit drink consumption are shown for adults (aged ≥18 y), of soda and fruit or sport drink consumption for teens (aged 12–17 y), and for soda and fruit drink consumption for children (aged 0–11 y). Abbreviation: SSB, sugar-sweetened beverage.
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