Single, Dual, and Poly Use of Flavored Tobacco Products Among Youths
ORIGINAL RESEARCH — Volume 15 — June 28, 2018
Of all respondents (n = 21,926) participating in the 2014 NYTS, 3,805 were current tobacco users and 18,121 were not current tobacco users. Among current tobacco users, 2,638 used flavored tobacco products and 1,167 did not use flavored tobacco. There were 1,666 single flavored-product users, 601 dual flavored-product users, and 371 poly flavored-product users. Among single flavored-product users, 596 (36%) reported using flavored e-cigarettes and 1,070 (64%) reported using other flavored products. Among dual flavored-product users, 340 (57%) reported that their use included flavored e-cigarettes and 261 (43%) reported not using flavored e-cigarettes. Among poly flavored-product users, 292 (79%) reported that their use included flavored e-cigarettes and 79 (21%) reported not using flavored e-cigarettes.
Flavored tobacco product use among US middle school and high school students, National Youth Tobacco Survey, 2014. Single flavored-product use was defined as using only 1 flavored tobacco product; dual flavored-product use was defined as using 2 flavored tobacco products, and poly flavored-product use was defined as using more than 2 flavored tobacco products.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.