Technical Assistance and Changes in Nutrition and Physical Activity Practices in the National Early Care and Education Learning Collaboratives Project, 2015–2016
IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION — Volume 15 — April 26, 2018
This flow diagram shows 4 boxes. The top left box says the following: Quantitative: Data: NAP SACC and technical assistance data for early care and education programs (n = 84); Analysis: Multiple regression to examine associations between NAP SACC outcomes and provision of technical assistance. An arrow leads from the top left box to the top right box, which says the following: Qualitative Comparative Analysis; Data: NAP SACC and technical assistance data for 15 highest-performing and 15 lowest-performing programs; Analysis: Qualitative comparative analysis to identify necessary and sufficient conditions. These top two boxes are enclosed in an outer box. This outer box has an arrow that leads to a third box, which says the following: Qualitative Document Review: Data: Open-ended questions in technical assistance measurement tool provided information on instances of technical assistance that contained necessary or sufficient conditions; Analysis: Document review to describe how technical assistance was provided. The third box has an arrow that leads to a fourth and final box, which says the following: Quantitative + Qualitative: Integration of quantitative and qualitative data; describe how qualitative results support quantitative results.
Application of a modified sequential explanatory mixed methods framework. The 15 programs with the highest ratio of possible change in NAP SACC scores were defined as high-performing programs, and 15 programs with the lowest ratio of possible change were defined as low-performing programs. Abbreviation: NAP SACC, Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment in Child Care.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.